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USB-based Logic Analyzer
DSLogic Series
DSLogic is a series of USB-based logic analyzer, with max sample rate up to 1GHz, and max sample depth up to 16G.
USB Bus Analysers and USB Generators
Packet-Master Series
Chapter 9 of the USB Specification details some seventeen Standard Device Requests which must be correctly implemented in any USB device, in order for the device to be successfully enumerated by the host controller.
USB-controlled, Timer/Counter/Analyzer
The TIC-8420 is a novel Timer/Counter/Analyzer based on digitization of time intervals in pulse trains with 2.8 ns resolution.
USB Databus Analysers
SOAR Family
With Desktop PC PCI slots rapidly following ISA into the history of computing, we believe that our USB based solutions are an excellent way of protecting your test gear investment from obsolescence.
USB Expansion Kit
OP-SB84 is an expansion board for monitoring USB2.0 and measuring VBUS power, inserting into a slot of portable communication analyzer (LE-8200A/LE-8200). It is a stand-alone USB analyzer, exchanging the measurement board and line state sheet for USB signals. This equipment runs without a PC and useful not only for developing USB devices but also trouble shooting and after-supporting of USB devices.
USB Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer and Variable Power Supply
Analog Discovery 2
Digilent Analog Discovery 2, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices and supported by Xilinx University Program, is a multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed signal circuits of all kinds. The low-cost Analog Discovery 2 is small enough to fit in your pocket, but powerful enough to replace a stack of lab equipment, providing engineering students, hobbyists, and electronics enthusiasts the freedom to work with analog and digital circuits in virtually any environment, in or out of the lab. The analog and digital inputs and outputs can be connected to a circuit using simple wire probes; alternatively, the Analog Discovery BNC Adapter and BNC probes can be used to connect and utilize the inputs and outputs. Driven by the free WaveForms 2015 (Mac, Linux and Windows Compatible) software, Analog Discovery 2 can be configured to work as any one of several traditional instruments.
USB Power Delivery Analyzer
Total Phase has released a second major update for the Total Phase USB Power Delivery Analyzer. Last time we enabled our award-winning Data Center Software for capture visualization, this time we’ve added support for several new features as part of Power Delivery 3.0: extended messages, handling of new messages, and DisplayPort VDM decoding! This is a free (software-only) upgrade from Total Phase.
USB Power Delivery Test Equipment
The Packet-Master USB-PDA is a USB PD Analyser, for FSK and Baseband variants of Power Delivery.
UV Analyzer
The ideal solution for critical UV curing processes where continuous UV monitoring is required to avoid costly downtime and product returns. The built-in sensors are networked for multiple lamp systems with data logging to PC.
Vacuum Process And Chamber Environment Monitors
Our process monitors are innovative in-situ process monitoring instruments that are fully integrated, application-specific packages, including component residual gas analyzers (RGAs), analytical equipment, and control software. Process mass spectrometers are used in varied applications, including; Semiconductor, Thin Film (CVD, Etch, PVD and degas), pharmaceutical lyophylization and bulk gas purity monitoring.
VBR Load Analyzer
The Powerohm Variable Braking Resistor Analyzer will determine what braking resistor ratings are required for your specific application. The Powerohm VBR is a portable test unit that provides selectable steps of resistance for analyzing your braking requirements for a wide range of drive horsepowers. Simply connect the VBR to your drive or braking module and let the application decide what braking resistor it needs. Once you determine the optimal resistance value for your drives peak performance, the VBR's digital readout will accurately display the true duty cycle as the application runs.
VDSR Line Qualifier
ELQ 35
25 kHz to 35 MHz selective/wideband Level Meter & Generator, with Spectrum Analyser with Z/RL/LCL Bridge
Vector Network Analyser
The LA19-13-02 is a PC-driven Vector Network Analyser suitable for measuring a wide range of devices from 3 MHz to 3 GHz with 100 Hz resolution. Its full s-parameter test set includes bias-Ts for biasing active devices. It is housed in a small lightweight package making it very portable.
Vector Network Analysers
The LA19-13-03 is our latest PC-driven Vector Network Analyser. It provides great flexibility, fast speed and wide dynamic range. It is useful for measuring a wide range of devices from 300 kHz to 8 GHz with 10 Hz resolution. By means of external links on the front panel, the internal couplers can be bypassed for direct access to the internal receivers. This flexibility allows, for example, high power amplifier measurements to be carried out using an external booster amplifier and couplers. It is housed in a small lightweight package making it very portable.
Vector Network Analyzer
The R&S®ZNBT is a multiport vector network analyzer offering up to 24 fully integrated test ports. The instrument can simultaneously test multiple DUTs or measure one DUT with up to 24 ports. The fully integrated test ports make the R&S®ZNBT a true multiport vector network analyzer, which includes a wide dynamic range, high output power levels and fast measurements. Frequency ranges up to 40 GHz are avalailable.
Vector Network Analyzer
SIGLENT Vector Network Analyzers have a frequency range of 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz, with 2/4-port models that can quickly deliver reliable scattering, differential, and time-domain parameter measurements.
Vector Network Analyzer
With the R&S®ZNL, Rohde & Schwarz exceeds these expectations and offers even more: vector network analysis, spectrum analysis and power meter measurements are unified in one single, compact instrument making the R&S®ZNL a universal all-rounder.
Vector Network Analyzer
More than 60 years of experience in the field of vector network analysis pay off: Rohde & Schwarz sets new benchmarks with its R&S®ZNB family of vector network analyzers. These analyzers feature high measurement speed, outstanding precision and exceptional ease of operation.
Vector Network Analyzer
The R42XXE Vector Network Analyzers are designed for measuring of S-parameters, VSWR and impedance of waveguide networks in the full frequency ranges of standard waveguides between 33 and 170 GHz. Frequency accuracy is ±0.2%. The measurement range of reflection factor modulus is from 0 to 1. The measurement range of reflection factor phase is from 0 to ±180° for 0.1< |Гx|<1 with accuracy ±7.5 o in 18-75 GHz frequency range and ±9.6° in 75-170 GHz frequency range. The measurement range of transmission factor phase is from 0 to ±180 o with accuracy ±(5+0.1 |Ax|) o for Ax >-50 dB in frequency range to 75 GHz, for Ax >-30 dB - to 170 GHz. Data can be displayed in the rectangular, Smith or polar diagrams. VNA requires Personal Computer with USB interface.
Vector Network Analyzer Automation
CMT’s vector network analyzer software supports multiple automation languages, including C++, Python, MATLAB*, Visual Basic (Excel)*, and LabVIEW*. Our command set is modeled after industry-standard legacy equipment; porting code is straightforward, and we can help.
Vector Network Analyzer Leasing Option
Companies in the United States can now lease a CMT VNA from Leasing Corporation of America. Leasing is a great choice for organizations that may not want to spend capital budget up front since lease payments are an operating expense. Choose from 2, 3, 4, and 5-year options. Pay as you use the VNA, with a fixed monthly payment and a 90-day deferred payment option. At the conclusion of the leasing period the equipment can be bought out for $1.00 plus a lease termination fee of $99.00.
Vector Network Analyzer Rack Mount Kit
C1220 Rack Mount Kit
This rack mount kit is for the Cobalt C1220. It includes track slides and handles for the full size USB VNA.
Vector Network Analyzers
The R&S®ZND network analyzer performs unidirectional measurements up to 4.5 GHz in the base model. It can be expanded to perform bidirectional measurements and the frequency range can be extended to 8.5 GHz. The large R&S®ZND touchscreen is easy to operate making it ideal for S-parameter measurements, even when many diagrams are needed. Time domain measurements can also be added for even more functions.
Vector Network Analyzers
Vector network analysis (VNA) is one of the most essential RF and microwave measurement approaches.
Versatile RF Network Analyzers for LF and MF
The TE3000-series of RF vector network analyzers have full vector measurement capability, and accurately resolves the resistive, capacitive and inductive components of a load. The user can display the vector impedance plus a range of related parameters including SWR, reflection coefficient, return loss and R-L-C equivalent circuit.
Very High Frequencies Analyzer
VHF104 is an innovative Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer that applies a direct experimental method to measure the material viscoelastic properties over a very high frequency range from 100Hz up to 10kHz.
VHF/UHF Airnav/Com Analyzer
The R&S®EVSG1000 is a portable signal level and modulation analyzer specifically designed for commissioning and servicing ILS, VOR and marker beacon ground stations and for analyzing ATC COM signals.
Vibration Analyzers
A vibration analyzer measures and assesses the machinery condition using vibration sensors such as accelerometers, displacement probes, and velocity pickups.
Vibration Meters
Portable vibration analyzer for equipment diagnosis and on-site measurements. Vibration meter with FFT analysis function.