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Spectrum And Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
Portable spectrum and real-time spectrum analyzers for detecting, locating and classifying RF signals and interference.
SignalShark® - Real-Time Outdoor Remote Analyzer
Real-Time Outdoor Remote Analyzer for the Detection, Analysis, Classification and Localization of RF Signals between 8 kHz and 8 GHz. Supports automatic direction finding and localization via AoA and TDOA. For fixed installation or semi-static use on demand. Solves complex measurement and analysis tasks reliably and quickly with outstanding RF performance. Windows 10-based open platform for third-party applications. The "SignalShark 3330 Outdoor Unit" series is characterized by a robust and weatherproof die-cast aluminum housing with IP65 protection class, which is also used as a heat sink. The compact size allows the receiver to be mounted close to the antennas, keeping the antenna cables short and the resulting sensitivity high.
Monitoring Receiver
The portable monitoring receivers and remotely controllable analyzers were especially developed for signal search, radio detection, spectrum monitoring and frequency management.
RF Direction Finding, Localization And Interference Hunting
Handheld RF direction finding signal analyzers are ideal for tracing accidental, illegal, or deliberate interference or potentially dangerous signal sources.
SignalShark® Real-Time Handheld Analyzer
Just like that highly efficient hunter in the ocean, SignalShark derives its success in measurement from the interplay of its highly developed seven senses or sensors.
Benchtop X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument
New sixth generation MiniFlex X-ray diffractometer (XRD) is a multipurpose analytical instrument that can determine: phase identification and quantification, percent (%) crystallinity, crystallite size and strain, lattice parameter refinement, Rietveld refinement, and molecular structure. It is widely used in research, especially in material science and chemistry, as well as in industry for research and quality control. It is the newest addition to MiniFlex series of benchtop X-ray diffraction analyzers from Rigaku, which began with the introduction of the original MiniFlex system decades ago.
Fiber Bragg Grating Products
Advanced Energy's WaveCapture™ Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) spectral analyzers use innovative dispersive optics to provide excellent performance in a compact and robust package. This combination enables WaveCapture FBG Analyzers to enable real-world FBG sensing in challenging medical and industrial applications.
OEM Gas Analyzers
Reduce gas measurement costs with modules that measure multiple gases and eliminate field calibration. Our Andros OEM gas modules lead the way in non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) gas analysis for automotive emissions and patient monitoring.
Spectrum & Vector Analyzer
SVA1000X Series
The SIGLENT SVA1000X series spectrum & vector network analyzers are powerful and flexible tools for broadcast and RF device testing. With a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and plenty of features including a tracking generator and multiple modes of operation: the base model is a swept super-heterodyne spectrum analyzer and optional functions include a vector network analyzer, a Frequency Domain Reflectometer based distance-to-fault locator, and a modulation analyzer. Applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, site surveying, EMI pre-compliance, research and development, education, production and maintenance.
Spectrum Analyzer
SPA Series
The SPA-series high performance, low cost, easy to use, portable spectrum analyzers are ideal for a pre-compliance laboratory. All three models feature a wide frequency range and low noise floor to increase system sensitivity and system to noise ratio. An advanced, easy to use interface makes your work simple by putting the features you need at your fingertips.
Spectrum Analyzer
Saluki S3531 series RF spectrum analyzer is designed based on the concept “Smaller, lighter, easier” . S3531 series takes a small desktop space and easy to carry. Most of nowaday RF applications are in this band, like mobile communication (GSM, CDMA, LTE even low frequency 5G), WIFI (2.4GHz), remote control etc, so S3531 series is a good tool for the test, maintenance, R&D of these applications.
Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
Saluki S3331 series handheld spectrum analyzer provides advance features and functions of benchtop analyzers. S3331 series has functions like spectrum analysis, interference analysis, ACPR, OBW, Channel power, AM/FM, limit line etc. S3331 series spectrum analyzer has very competitive price and is a low cost solution for 7.5GHz field spectrum measurement.
Network Analyzer
The AXI DPNA-6G module is the world's first network analyzer in the form factor of the AXIe-1 module, as well as the first Russian device that meets the AXIe-1 standard. In the mode of the network parameters meter, the AXI DPNA-6G module measures the vector values of the network parameters on two ports: transmission coefficients (S12, S21) and reflection (S11, S22). At the same time, all necessary types of calibrations are supported: one- and two-port short-circuit, XX, matched load, transmission normalization. The software supports the import of third party calibration standard parameters. In the measuring receiver mode, the module provides:*generation of a harmonic signal (frequency synthesizer);*spectrum analyzer and power level in a given band;*measuring the frequency of a known signal;*measurement of analog modulation parameters;*phase noise measurement.
FFT Sound Analyzer
WavePad audio editing software is a full featured professional sound editor for Windows and Mac OS X. It lets you make and edit voice and other audio recordings and also comes with a wide range of powerful audio effects including echo, amplification and noise reduction.
Field Comm Analyzer
S5800H Series Field Comm Analyzer is an 8.4 inch large touch screen instrument which is designed specifically for wireless communications field engineers and technicians. S5800H series provide all necessary measurement functions and performance to accurately characterize the signal environment in addition to clearing, detecting, identifying and locating signal interferenc.
Field Comm Analyzer
S5800E Series Field Comm Analyzer is an economic instrument which is designed specifically for wireless communications field engineers and technicians. S5800E series provide all necessary measurement functions and performance to accurately characterize the signal environment in addition to clearing, detecting, identifying and locating signal interference.
Electron Microscope Analyzer
Long standing expertise in EDS ensures the configuration of the best solution for your specific microscope (STEM, TEM or SEM) thanks to slim-line detector design and geometrical optimization for each microscope pole piece and EDS flange type
Electron Microscope Analyzer
Bruker's latest generation of QUANTAX EDS features the XFlash® 7 detector series, which provides the largest solid angle for X-ray collection (also called collection angle) and the highest throughput.
CS/ONH Analyzers
Elemental analysis of CS and ONH in inorganic materials | Based on the know-how of many decades Bruker offers innovative solutions for rapid and precise elemental analysis of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen.
G4 ICARUS Series 2
The combustion analyzer G4 ICARUS Series 2 with high frequency (HF) induction furnace and HighSense™ detection sets new standards in for a rapid and precise carbon (C) and sulfur (S) analysis in inorganic solids.
Electron Microscope Analyzers
Bruker’s electron microscope analyzers EDS, WDS, EBSD and Micro-XRF on SEM offer the most comprehensive compositional and structural analysis of materials available today. The full integration of all these techniques into the ESPRIT software allows you to easily combine data obtained by these complementary methods for best results.
Portable XRF Spectrometers
Handheld / portable X-ray fluorescent (XRF) analyzers have the capability to non-destructively quantify or qualify nearly any element from Magnesium to Uranium, depending on the instrument configuration.
Low-Voltage Arrester Analyzer
Weshine Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd
1. This instrument can be widely used in equipment maintenance of substations and power plants, and to measure insulation resistance, absorption ratio and polarization index of high-voltage electrical equipment such as transformers, reactors, capacitors, and circuit breakers. The leakage current of the low-voltage arrester of the power distribution cabinet is automatically tested.
Water Treatment Plant Analyzer
Aqualog® is the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices. EEMs are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments. Dedicated software automates traceable Quinine Sulfate Unit calibration and correction of inner-filter effects and Rayleigh and Raman scattering lines, enabling rapid export to modeling algorithms like PARAFAC.
OEM Gas (NO) Analyzer
The BE-220FDS is an OEM NDIR detector for measuring NO in automotive emission gases. The BE-220FSD can output NO concentration by digital data and analog voltage. In addition, it can be connected with the HORIBA BE-150 bench by serial line and relay the commands for BE-150. The BE-220FSD meets OIML Class 0 and complies BAR-97 & GB18285-2018 specifications.
OEM Gas (CO/HC) Analyzer
The BE-150 is the palm-top sized OEM NDIR analyzer capable of measuring CO, CO2 and HC in automotive exhaust gases. High accuracy and reliability, the BE-150 meets OIML Class 0 and complies BAR-97 & GB18285-2018 specifications.
Emission Measurement Systems
HORIBA develops and manufactures products and systems for testing of all types of engines: heavy-duty to small utility, onroad systems to non-road, marine to locomotive, automotive to aeronautic. Our extensive product line includes analyzers, analytical systems, dilution/ sampling systems, dynamometers and automation systems to assist engineers to evaluate and advance: exhaust gas and particulate emissions, engine performance, fuel economy, fuelcell reformer efficiency, other parameters of engine and vehicle.
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Dilute Measurement Type
Offers a 5Hz sampling rate and simultaneously measure the concentrations of multiple components including NH3, CH4 and CO2, engine diluted exhaust gas using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method in combination with multivariate analysis algorithm.
Tunable Laser Hydrogen Chloride Analyzer
Laser HCl analyzer with a probe type optical system which employs direct insert method. TX-100 is suitable for monitoring HCl concentration in incineration plants and the control of HCl removal process in various industries including cement factories and petrochemical plants, etc.
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Direct Measurement Type
The FTX-ONE offers a 5Hz sampling rate and simultaneously measure the concentrations of multiple components including NH3, CH4, and CO2, from (engine) direct exhaust gas using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method in combination with multivariate analysis algorithm.