Topic Catalog
Topics beginning with "A" |
Abbe Refractometeris an instrument for measuring the refractive rate nD of transparent, translucent liquid or solid and the average dispersion nD-nC (of which measured transparent liquid based)"; Shandong Drick Instruments Co., Ltd. |
Absolute EncodersMeasure motion by resolving unique signal output for every movement. |
Absolute Pressurecombined gauge and atmospheric pressure. |
Absorbing Clampsmeasure radiated emissions. |
ACCurrent Alternates direction of flow cyclically. |
Accelerometersconvert acceleration into electrical signals, usually denoted as a |
Acceptance Testresolves the fulfillment of requirements. |
AC Clamp Metersmeasures AC voltage and current without contacting condutors. |
Accreditationvalidation of certification to be ... |
AC Current Clampswrap around conductors to measure current. |
AC Current Probeswrap around conductors to measure current. |
AC Current ShuntsAllow high accuracy measurement of AC power and current. |
AC DC Clamp Metersmeasure AC-DC amperage without contacting conductors. |
AC/DC Current ProbesAC / DC electric current measurement. |
AC/DC Power |
AC DC Programmable Power Supplies |
AC Electronic LoadsSimulate voltage, current and power ranges. |
AC Hipot |
Acousticthe study of sound. |
Acousticalto which having to do with sound. |
Acoustic Analyzerscharacterize sound. |
Acoustic Calibrationassure sound measurement accuracy. |
Acoustic Calibratorsassure sound measurement accuracy. |
Acoustic Cameraslocate and characterize sound. |
Acoustic Chambersshielded rooms designed to attenuate sound. |
Acoustic Doppler Profilersmeasure water current velocity across a range of depths. |
Acoustic Intensitymagnitude and direction of sound waves. |
Acoustic Microscopesuse high frequency ultrasound to image material. |
Acoustic SourcesStandard for calibrating sound level meters and sound measuring systems. |
AC Power SuppliesSupply Alternating Current (AC) electricity to output loads. |
AC SourcesWaveform of an Alternating Current circuit is typically a perfect sine wave cycling up and down. |
Active FiltersRequire power to operate, using active devices and passive components in a frequency-selective network, only passing certain frequencies. |
ActuatorsConverts a signal to an action. |
AC Voltage Detectors |
AdaptersInterfaces that facilitate interconnect between two dissimilar elements. |
ADASAdvanced Driver Assistance System. |
ADCquantization of an analog signal into a digital signal. |
A/D Convertersquantization of an analog signal into a digital signal. |
ADCPmeasure water current velocity across a range of depths. |
Adhesiongrip strength of two substances when stuck together. |
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line with transmission rates of 8 MBps downstream and 768Kbps upstream over twisted pair. |
ADSL212 Mbits/s downstream and 3.5 Mbits/s upload speed. |
ADSL2+Doubles the bandwidth (ADSL) close up, boosts it nicely in middling ranges and pushes high-speed always-on data over telephone lines out to 18,000 feet. |
ADSL Testers |
ADTScheck air data avionics. |
AdvancedMCAdvanced Mezzanine Card |
AdvancedTCAAdvanced Telecom Computing Architecture |
AeroplaneAircraft Test is comprised of Aircraft data collection, monitoring, communication and analysis tools. |
AerospaceTest of aloft craft and equipment . |
AESaudio engineering society or Advanced Encryption Standard. |
AFDXAvionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet |
AFMNanometer size probe which scans for surface deflections. |
Agilent FixturesPosition and connect a pcb to it's test nodes and interfaces to ATE. |
Aircraftchecks to assure airworthiness. |
Air Datameasures of piloting performance. |
Air Flow Metersmeasure velocity or pressure of the wind. |
AirplaneAircraft Test is comprised of Aircraft data collection, monitoring, communication and analysis tools. |
Air Qualitycondition of atmosphere to sustain life. |
AirspeedThe speed through or of air. |
Air SpeedThe speed through or of air. |
Air Velocity Metersmeasure velocity or pressure of the wind. |
Alligator ClipsJaw like spring loaded gripping teeth test lead connector. |
Alpha Beta GammaThree types of particle radiation. |
Alternating CurrentCurrent Alternates direction of flow cyclically. |
Altimetermeasure altitude. |
Altitude Chamberssimulate atmospheric pressure at different elevations. |
AMAmplitude Modulation is a wave that is in direct proportion to the modulating signal. |
AMCAdvanced Mezzanine Card |
Ammetersmeasure in amperes the magnitude of current. |
Ampamperage or amplifier. |
Amplifiersincrease the amplitude of a signal. |
AmplitudeAmplitude Intensity Modulation |
Analogrepresentation of a signal that varies over an infinite range of values. |
Analog Input OutputAnalog I/O are Devices that have the capability of sending and receiving analog signals. |
Analog I/OAnalog I/O are Devices that have the capability of sending and receiving analog signals. |
Analog Multimetersanalog display multi function measurement instrument. |
Analog OscilloscopesAnalog oscilloscopes directly apply a voltage being measured to an electron beam moving across the oscilloscope screen, which deflects the beam up and down, tracing the waveform on the screen. ( |
Analog Output Modules |
Analog-to-Digital Convertersquantization of an analog signal into a digital signal. |
Analoguerepresentation of a signal that varies over an infinite range of values. |
Analyticsto decipher. |
Analyzersexamine data methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations. |
Anechoic Boxesenclosures that dampen rf or sound reflection within and stop exterior noise. |
Anechoic Chambersenclosures that dampen RF or sound reflection within and stop exterior noise. |
Anechoic EnclosuresEnclosures that dampen rf or sound reflection within and stop exterior noise. |
Anechoic Roomsenclosures that dampen RF or sound reflection within and stop exterior noise. |
Anemometersmeasure velocity or pressure of the wind. |
Animal |
Antenna Analyzersexamine antenna's capability to recieve and/or transmit wireless rf signals. |
Antenna Measurementcharacterizes an antenna. |
Antennasany structure or device used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves. |
Antenna Software |
AOIAutomated Optical Inspection |
Appliancehousehold electrical equipment. |
Application Security Testingassures web application vulnerabilities are identified. |
Aquarium |
ARBproduce repeating sine, triangle, square, ramp, pulse, or DC waveforms. |
Arbitrary Waveform Generatorsproduce repeating sine, triangle, square, ramp, pulse, or DC waveforms. |
Arbitrary Waveform Transceivers |
ARINCAbbreviation for Aeronautical Radio, Inc., develops transportation communications standards. |
ARINC 429standard used on virtually all commercial aircraft. |
ARINC 629ARINC 629 refers to the ARINC 629 data bus standard. ( |
ARINC 664Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet |
ARINC 708Describes the characteristics of an airborne pulse Doppler Weather Radar system intended for installation in commercial transport type aircraft. |
ARINC 717Standard for a Digital Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System |
ARINC 818Avionics digital video interface and protocol. |
Armament |
Armaturethe moving conductor in a magnetic field. |
Armature Testerslocate shorts, opens and grounds in armatures. |
Artificial Intelligenceability to apply knowledge and experience. |
Artificial Sunreplicate the sun's light. |
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuits are application specific custom made ICs. |
Aspherea lens whose surfaces are not in portions of a sphere or cylinder. |
Assaysto access composition and determine it's qualities. |
ASTMASTM International is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of voluntary consensus standards, over 12,000. |
Asynchronous Transfer ModeTesting Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) communications and network equipment includes three primary testing phases: conformance verification; interoperability testing; performance benchmarking |
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computing Architecture |
ATEATE systems are used to test semiconductor devices, printed circuit boards, and electronic systems during manufacturing. AI prompted RL created', prevails upon the UUT to demonstrate It's fulfillment of test requirements. |
ATE FixturesHolding and positioning assemblies to guide UUT I/O access by automated test equipment. |
ATE Integrationdevelop and build all or part of automatic test systems. Integrators |
ATE Integratorsdevelop and build all or part of automatic test systems. Integrators |
ATE SoftwareSoftware for equipment designed to automatically analyze functional or static parameters of electronic assemblies in order to evaluate performance degradation. ( |
ATLASAbbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems |
ATMTesting Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) communications and network equipment includes three primary testing phases: conformance verification; interoperability testing; performance benchmarking |
ATM AnalyzersAnalyze asynchronous transfer mode communications and networks. |
ATMLAutomatic Test Markup Language |
Atmosphere1) a planet's exosphere, surface to space, space. 2) a unit of atmospheric pressure. |
Atomicof or related to atoms. |
Atomic Force MicroscopesNanometer size probe which scans for surface deflections. |
ATPGAutomatic Test Program Generation or Automatic Test Pattern Generation |
ATSAll necessary elements brought together to test a UUT. |
ATSC"Advanced Television Systems Committee" digital television standard. |
Attenuator PadFix the degree of attenuation. |
AttenuatorsReduces the amplitude of a signal without appreciably distorting its waveform. |
ATX Power Supply Testerschecks Advanced Technology eXtended power supplies. |
Audioelectrical conversion of a sound pressure wave. |
Audio AmplifiersThis topic is for test equipment that is designed for the testing of audio amplifiers. |
Audio AnalysersEvaluate acoustic, electro, and mechano frequencies. |
Audio AnalyzersEvaluate acoustic, electro, and mechano frequencies. |
Audio Cable Testers |
Audio Engineering Societyaudio engineering society or Advanced Encryption Standard. |
Audio GeneratorsProduce audio waveforms for use in analysis of devices that employ audio signal. |
Audio Signal Generators |
Audio Spectrum Analyzerscharacterize audio frequencies between 20 Hz to 20 kHz. |
Audio Test |
Audio Testers |
Audio Test Systems |
Audio Video |
Autocorrelatorsmeasure in femtosecond or picosecond optical pulse duration. |
Automated Optical InspectionAutomated Optical Inspection |
Automated Test Equipment SoftwareSoftware for equipment designed to automatically analyze functional or static parameters of electronic assemblies in order to evaluate performance degradation. ( |
Automated Test SystemsAll necessary elements brought together to test a UUT. |
Automated X-ray Inspection |
Automatic Test Equipmentequipment that automatically analyzes functional or static parameters to evaluate performance. |
Automatic Test Equipment SoftwareSoftware for equipment designed to automatically analyze functional or static parameters of electronic assemblies in order to evaluate performance degradation. ( |
Automatic Test Systemsexecute test program sets automatically. |
Automobile> 2 wheeled enclosed transport. |
AutomotiveCar industry or about cars. |
Automotive Diagnostics |
AV1) Audio / Video 2) Autonomous Vehicle |
Avionicsall aviation electronics assurance. |
Avionics Full Duplex Switched EthernetAvionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet |
AWGproduce repeating sine, triangle, square, ramp, pulse, or DC waveforms. |
AXI1) Advanced eXtensible Interface 2) Automated X-ray Inspection |
AXIeAdvancedTCA Extensions for Instrumentation and Test. |
Axlea shaft upon which a wheel revolves. |