Showing results: 1 - 15 of 831 items found.
ASL Environmental Sciences
The Wave Profiler allows the user to measure non-directional wave parameters continuously for long periods of time with high temporal and spatial resolution in deeper water from the safety of an underwater mooring. The instrument is particularly useful for clients who need to measure long-period waves (such as rogue waves or infra-gravity waves), waves in wash and in wakes, and non-linear waves.
Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
The MOTUS (movement in Latin) Wave Buoy is a perfect solution for collecting environmental data in coastal areas.Collect reliable environmental data with MOTUS Wave Data Buoy.The MOTUS (movement in Latin) Buoy is a perfect solution for collecting environmental data in coastal areas for all-year deployments. The platform used for collecting data is a robust buoy which has proven to be an excellent platform for providing high accuracy and reliable meteorological and oceanographic data. The wave buoy can effectively combine various Hydrological and Meteorological parameters. Basic parameters such as wind, waves, and currents can easily be expanded to include sensor packages with different water quality sensors. Data is controlled and synchronized by the data management systems that Xylem Analytics offers, which also controls and powers real-time communication. This provides a low-power efficient system offering long-term deployment capabilities.The MOTUS Wave Buoys combine our ultra-low power and field-proven solutions from developing oceanographic and water quality sensors. We have 60 years of experience operating in the industry, providing you with an optimal platform based on the buoy, a rugged, lightweight polyethylene buoy deployed in more than 40 countries all over the world. By selecting Xylem as your partner in your projects, you are on track for the lowest overall cost of ownership and a versatile platform that can be tailored to your needs. The MOTUS Buoy is developed for both scientific and commercial use.
KIC® Wave Surfer™ -
KIC Thermal
The KIC Wave Surfer is a self-contained system that provides critical data on wave solder machine set up and performance. Used in conjunction with your SlimKIC 2000 and the KIC 2000 software, you can ensure your wave solder machine is set up and performing properly.
Valeport Ltd,
The most cost-effective solution to directional wave monitoring requirements in all shallow water coastal applications, The MIDAS DWR Directional Wave Recorder represents a significant advance in PUV wave recording technology.
5218 -
Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
Measure pressure based Waves with the Aanderaa Wave Sensors- compact fully integrated sensors for measuring wave and tide conditionsThe 5218 wave sensor is designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa SeaGuard top-end plate or connected to SmartGuard using AiCaP CANbus or in other measurement systems using the RS-232 interface.The 5218R wave sensor sensor is designed for use with long cables by means of RS-422 full duplex interface.Both wave sensors are based on a silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor. The pressure measurements are sampled and temperature compensated by an advanced Digital Signal Processor.The wave sensor application areas are in fixed installations, either deployed in a seabed installation in shallow waters, or mounted onto a fixed structure in the upper water column.
Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
Accurate Motion Based wave measurements are critical in applications such as offshore wind farm development, navigation, cable laying, breakwater building, and bridge construction.Waves also result in continuous loads on marine structures, including docks, moorings, and offshore platforms.Motion Based Waves are challenging to measure. Variables to consider when collecting wave data include the depth of the measuring device, proximity to shore, wave types, and available infrastructure from which to measure.Several methods for measuring motion based waves are available, and careful selection of the best approach is needed to get the optimal result.
Precision Acoustics LTD
At Precision Acoustics, we manufacture normal incidence shear wave probes at 1 MHz, which can be coupled directly to an object through a shear wave coupling gel.
Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
Aanderaa Wave and Tide Sensors are compact fully integrated sensor for measuring the wave and tide conditions designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa multiparameter SeaGuard Platform or via cable connected to SmartGuard datalogger.
Valeport Ltd,
One of the most versatile yet easy to use pressure-based wave recorders available, the MIDAS WTR Wave and Tide Recorder offers fast data upload, a quick change battery carousel and intuitive operating software.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Workhorse Waves Array is an innovative, cost-effective upgrade that allows you to take your Teledyne RDI ADCP to the next level. Via a simple upgrade, you can capture not only the industry’s most field-proven and dependable precision current profiling data, but highly accurate multi-directional wave measurements as well.
Shanghai Guantu Technology Co., Ltd.
GCW series combined wave generators can generate high energy surges for combined wave testing. It has the characteristics of fast rise and long pulse duration. According to different modulation components, different surge waveforms can be generated; the control system can automatically record and analyze the above surge waveforms. standard:IEC60060-4-5, IEC61643-11, UL1449-2006, GB18802.1, GB/T18802.21,
PWC200 -
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
The R&S®PWC200 Plane Wave Converter is a bidirectional array of 156 wideband Vivaldi antennas placed in the radiating near field of the device under test (DUT). The phased antenna array can form planar waves inside a specified quiet zone within the radiating near field of the 5G massive MIMO base station for realtime radiated power and transceiver measurements (EVM, ACLR, SEM, etc.).
APQM-711 -
Amperis sl
The APQM-711 wave quality analyzer enables measurement, analysis and recording of 50/60 Hz network parameters and wave quality diagnostics according to EN 50160. The APQM-711 is an innovative and unique model, it has Wi-Fi communication with the included tablet. The tablet allows all operations to be carried out remotely and with its 10" touch screen it is very easy to operate. From the tablet you can operate the analyzer intuitively and quickly, we can also perform the preview of live data and reading and analyzing data stored in internal memory.
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Ring wave interference on electronic line, control line and signal line can be caused by transient due to switch of mains and controlled switch or lightening strike. RWS 600 is designed to conduct immunity test for electronic and electrical device.