Benchtop Automated Functional Test
midUTS - Bloomy Controls, Inc. (Bloomy)
Combining bench-top portability with powerful automated test functionality, the midUTS is an extremely versatile yet cost-effective solution for your electronics functional test needs. Comprised of high-performance commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) instruments, along with Bloomy’s medium-density signal-routing PCBAs, a built-in or USB-connected PC, and a pair of high-integrity, production-grade cables connected to an adjacent benchtop fixture, the midUTS can be used in engineering for PCBA bring up, as well as scaled to manufacturing to perform high-volume PCBA and sub-assembly functional testing. It is also ideal for depot diagnostic test, debug, and repair of field returns. The two mass-interconnected cables connect the midUTS to as many as 320 test points on the unit under test (UUT), supporting an extreme wide variety of products using bed-of-nails as well as cable-connected UUT test fixtures. Most importantly, the midUTS helps you automate sequences of functional tests using NI TestStand and the Bloomy EFT Module for TestStand. This ideal balance between powerful features and affordable cost allow you to automate earlier in the product development lifecycle, substantially increasing product quality and minimizing time-to-market!