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fundamental objects of quanta.
See Also: Nanoparticle, Airborne Particle, Particle Accelerator, Particle Counters, Particle Detection, Wave
Aerosol Neutralizer
Aerosol neutralization is an important component of aerosol science and engineering. Neutralizing aerosol particles can reduce electrostatic losses of particles within tubing or to other surfaces. Neutralization is also critical to gathering reliable particle size data when using a sizing instrument based on electrical mobility.
Aerosol Neutralizer
Aerosol neutralization is an important component of aerosol science and engineering. Neutralizing aerosol particles can reduce electrostatic losses of particles within tubing or to other surfaces. Neutralization is also critical to gathering reliable particle size data when using a sizing instrument based on electrical mobility.
Aerosol Neutralizer
The Aerosol Neutralizer model 3077A is a general-purpose radioactive neutralizer suitable for use with highly-charged and/or highly concentrated aerosols. The Model 3077A can be used with flows up to 5 L/min. If your flow rate will always be significantly higher than this, consider model 3012 and/or 3012A. If your particles will not be highly-charged and/or highly concentrated, consider model 3077.
Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer
The Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer 3090 (EEPS™) spectrometer measures the size distribution of engine-exhaust particle emissions in the range from 5.6 to 560 nm with the fastest time resolution available. Users can visualize and study the dynamic behavior of particle emissions that occur during transient test cycles, during the first few seconds of a cold start, or during regeneration of a particle trap or diesel particulate filter (DPF).
Fast Mobility Particle Sizer
The Fast Mobility Particle Sizer 3091 (FMPS™) spectrometer measures particles in the range from 5.6 to 560 nm, offering a total of 32 channels of resolution (16 channels per decade). It uses an electrical mobility measurement technique similar to that used in our SMPS. However, instead of a CPC, the FMPS spectrometer uses multiple, low-noise electrometers for particle detection
Automated Filter Tester
The model 3140 filter tester uses the same aerosol generation technology as the model 8130A respiratory filter tester. It works with Emery oil, DOP, DEHS, paraffin and other oils. Two new generation CPCs simultaneously count upstream and downstream particles. This enables accurate, repeatable and fast measurements, for example a HEPA filter can be tested in less than 15 seconds.
Aerosol Neutralizer
The Aerosol Neutralizer Model 3054A is a radioactive neutralizer suitable for use with highly-charged and/or highly concentrated aerosols in flows up to 150 L/min. If your flow rate will always be significantly lower than this, consider model 3012 and/or 3012A. If your particles will not be highly-charged and/or highly concentrated, consider model 3054A.
Particle Counters And Detectors
Our family of particle counters and particle detectors contain instruments optimized for a variety of applications. In environmental research and monitoring, customers face high concentrations in city centers, near freeways or harbors, or very low concentrations in remote locations which are used as reference sampling points.
Cascade Impactors
TSI’s suite of cascade impactors can collect particles with aerodynamic diameters (cutpoints) from 10 nm to 10 µm, in 3 to 13 different size fractions, and at flow rates of 2, 10, 30 or 100 L/min. The number of stages determines the size resolution of the collected samples, and consequently determines the level of detail of the data generated from the quantitative analysis of these collected samples.
Particle Deposition Systems
MSP’s 2300G3 Particle Deposition System sets the standards for wafer inspection and metrology equipment. This advanced tool is vital for increasing the yield of future leading-edge devices, while meeting the measurement needs of today.
Ingress Protection: Water Jets and Powerful Water Jets Tests (IPX5 & IPX6)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. Two such sets of ingress protection tests involve exposing the equipment under test (EUT), to water jets and powerful water jets. These tests are numbered IPX5 and IPX6. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of water jets, would always be a 5, and in the case of powerful water jets, would always be a 6.
Ingress Protection: Immersion Water Tests (IPX7 and IPX8)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. One such set of ingress protection tests involves immersing the equipment under test (EUT), in water. These tests are numbered IPX7 and IPX8. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of the immersion ingress protection test, would always be a 7 or an 8.
Ingress Protection – Dripping Water Tests (IPX1 and IPX2)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. One such set of ingress protection tests is called the dripping water test. These tests are numbered IPX1 or IPX2. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of the dripping water ingress protection test, would always be either a 1 or a 2.
Fineness of Grind Gauges
The Elcometer 2020 Fineness of Grind Gauges is used to determine the particle size and fineness of grind of many materials including paints, pigments, inks, coatings, chocolates and other similar products.
High Precision Grindometer (Single Channel)
This Elcometer 2050 High Precision Grindometer is a single channel precision gauge used to determine particle size and fineness of grind for many materials including paints, pigments, inks, coatings, chocolates and other similar products.
NPIRI Fineness of Grind Gauge
The Elcometer 2070 NPIRI Fineness of Grind Gauge is used to determine particle size and the fineness of grind of particles in printing inks according to the National Printing Inks Research Institute (NPIRI) scale.
Fineness of Grind/Dispersion
From the development of coatings, inks & cosmetics in the laboratory to testing during the production process, quick and precise measurement of the particle size of the material (Dispersion) and volumetric mass (Density) are essential measurement techniques required for reliable and repeatable formulations.
Semiconductor Inspection (SEMI)
A process for detecting any particles or defects in a wafer.
Ingress Protection: Spraying Water and Splashing Water (IPX3 & IPX4)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. Two such sets of ingress protection tests involve exposing the equipment under test (EUT), to spraying water and splashing water. These tests are numbered IPX3 and IPX4. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of spraying water, would always be a 3, and in the case of splashing water, would always be a 4.
Ingress Protection: High-Temperature and High-Pressure Water Jets Tests (IPX9)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. One such set of ingress protection tests involves exposing the equipment under test (EUT), to high-pressure and high-temperature water jets. These tests are numbered IPX9. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of the high-pressure and high temperature water jets ingress protection test, would always be a 9.
Particle Deposition Systems
Sets the standards for wafer inspection and metrology equipment. This advanced tool is vital for increasing the yield of future leading-edge devices, while meeting the measurement needs of today.
Particle Counters And Detectors
Our family of particle counters and particle detectors contain instruments optimized for a variety of applications.
Abbreviated Impactor Measurement Equipment
The Abbreviated Impactor Measurement (AIM) Method implies using a shorter process to characterize aerodynamic size. It has been promoted as an alternative to the labor-intensive full resolution cascade impactor methodology for APSD (aerodynamic particle size distribution) testing.
Particle Size Standards
Whether testing for particle size, count, or composition, it is imperative to use reliable particle suspensions to calibrate your surface scanning equipment or particle counters. A particle standard consists of a specific size range and number concentration of solid particles suspended in ultra-pure water (UPW). This suspension is dispersed into clean air or nitrogen and deposited onto wafers and reticles in specific patterns and sizes.
Vapor Process Gas (VPG) Filters
Filters are an integral piece of your vaporizing system. Conventional high-purity, point-of-use gas filters are used in compressed gas lines for particle removal. MSP’s VPG filters are also uniquely well-suited to be used downstream of a vaporizer under vacuum flow conditions.
Particle Sizers
For over four decades, TSI has been at the forefront of providing state-of-the-art aerosol sizing instruments. Our commitment to advancing research and driving innovation spans various industries. TSI is a trusted manufacturer of cutting-edge particle sizing instrumentation and systems, covering a wide range of particle sizes, from 1 nm to 20 micrometers.
Cascade Impactors
TSI’s suite of cascade impactors can collect particles with aerodynamic diameters (cutpoints) from 10 nm to 10 µm, in 3 to 13 different size fractions, and at flow rates of 2, 10, 30 or 100 L/min. The number of stages determines the size resolution of the collected samples, and consequently determines the level of detail of the data generated from the quantitative analysis of these collected samples. MOUDI II impactors have rotating stages. When the stage is rotated relative to the nozzle plate, the impacted particles are deposited in a more uniform manner across the impaction surface. This increases the amount of particle mass that can be collected, reduces the probability of particle bounce and re-entrainment, and optimizes quantitative analysis of the collected samples.
Aerosol neutralizers are an essential piece of many aerosol research studies because aerosol particles dispersed by nebulization, combustion, or powder dispersion are usually electrostatically charged. Normally, a high level of electrical charge is undesirable because it increases the particle loss to the walls of transport and sampling systems, or it can affect filter-efficiency measurements.
Cleanroom Particle Counters
TSI’s cleanroom facility environmental monitoring products with built-in redundancy provide the confidence you need to reliably monitor critical processes and demonstrate compliance.
Environmental Air Monitors
TSI’s environmental monitors measure size fractions of particles and ultrafine particles. They capture PM1, PM2.5, Respirable PM4, PM10, and Total PM.