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Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Testing
SAR limits are there to protect all of us from wireless devices that exceed the transmit Radio Frequency (RF) threshold. SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate. It's a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by your body when you are exposed to an RF electromagnetic field. In some countries, the SAR test result figure has to be displayed at the point of sale. To have a presence in these markets, your products must meet strict SAR regulations.
EMC/EMI Testing
NCEE Labs has state of the art test equipment and experienced iNARTE EMC/EMI and qualified staff to provide Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) testing. The lab maintains accreditation to the latest FCC, CE and other international EMC/EMI standards.
State-of-tha-Art Testing Facilities
With a passion for collaborative listening, planning, contracting, performing, and delivering, Boeing creates a tailored partnership with you to achieve your product testing goals. Capitalize on access to Boeing's proven engineering expertise and right-sized resources in: Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Acoustics, Environmental, Electromagnetics, Structures, Metrology, Simulation, Materials. Whether your testing requirements are big or small, simple or complex, short term or ongoing, well-defined or developmental, you can harness Boeing's innovative and productive energy.
The WERA system (WavE RAdar) is a shore based remote sensing system using the over the horizon radar technology to monitor ocean surface currents, waves and wind direction (Gurgel, 1999). This long range, high resolution monitoring system operates with radio frequencies between 4 and 50 MHz. A vertical polarized electromagnetic wave is coupled to the conductive ocean surface and follows the curvature of the earth.
RF Safety Monitoring
The EME Guard XS is an RF measuring device to alert workers near RF emitters for protection of climbers and other RF-exposed workers. It continuously scans for electromagnetic waves and, via its built-in alarm and visual system, alerts users whenever the acceptable pre-selected limits have been exceeded. This RF Safety PPE is extremely easy to use and supports a safer working environment in the areas of installation and maintenance.
Stack Probing Sensor
The Model L722 Stack Probing Sensor coupled with the L612 Digital Recording Moisture Meter makes it easy to reach deep into stickered units of lumber and take accurate moisture readings without the danger of broken pins. Wagner''s electromagnetic wave technology makes it possible to take multiple readings throughout an entire stack in just minutes.
RF Safety Monitoring
MVG EME Guard XS 40GHz
EME Guard XS 40 GHz has been specifically designed to cover the new 5G millimeter wave bands. This RF safety tool is important for keeping those working close to RF emitters safer. It is easy to use, continuously scanning electromagnetic waves, and alerts the user when acceptable pre-selected limits have been exceeded.
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
With RFID, no direct "visual contact" between the read-write unit and transponder is necessary. Information from the transponder is received by means of electromagnetic waves. As a result, these systems can be used practically and reliably under even the most adverse conditions.
Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,
To electrically isolate input, outputs and power supply. The isolator fulills all requirements and regulation concerning electromagnetic compatibility EMC and safety.
Logger version 2-D electro-magnetic current meter for deep ocean
INFINITY-Deep is an autonomously deployable data logger for current speed measurements in the deep oceans. The currents in the deep oceans are very weak. It is too hard to accurately measure the deep water currents by some ADVs (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters) that detect the Doppler-effect by scatter with the suspended particles in the water, because the concentration is very low. INFINITY-Deep measures 2-D current data through a magnetic field according to Faraday's law. Therefore, even if the suspended particles do not exist around the sensor, it can provide the accurate current data. The depth rating is 6,000m. Compared to INFINITY-EM, the instrument has a depth and a tilt sensors to monitor mooring status. Also, the battery capacity doubles for long-term current velocity measurements.
Electro Magnetic Flow Meter With Remote Display
Aarohi Embedded Systems Pvt. Ltd
MFI-013 electromagnetic flow meter is manufactured with state of the art technology. Micro controller based design provide precise measurement. A magnetic flow meter (mag meter, electromagnetic flow meter) is a transducer that measures fluid flow by the voltage induced across the liquid by its flow through a magnetic field.The physical principle at work is electromagnetic induction.
Data Loggers
Data loggers are small electronic devices used to track and store location-specific data via built-in or external sensors. They are typically battery-powered and equipped with internal memory, and have become the predominant method of monitoring in most contemporary industries, having increasingly replaced the electromagnetic chart recorders that originated back in the early 19th
Stripline 50/90 Ohm DC-1GHz Mod. STPL
The EMC-STPL striplines are designed for automotive immunity testing of components according to the standards ISO 11452-5 and SAE J1113-23. Striplines are a variation of TEM lines which allow an application of electromagnetic fields with a good homogeneity in the test volume.
Standard Electromagnetic Vibrator
King Design Industrial Co., Ltd.
The purpose of vibration testing is to make a series of controllable vibration simulation in lab, no matter generated by natural or man-made vibration environment; such as waves, tidal flaps, wind, earthquake or rain and so on. It is to test if the product is capable of sustaining the vibration environment exerted from transporting or usage along its effective life cycle; and certify the standard of design & functional requirement of product. The value of vibration testing is to confirm the reliability of products and effectively screen out the bad products in factory; avoiding damages occurred at arrival; and to assess the failure analysis on the non-performing products; expecting to reach a high standard, high-reliability products. The vibration test stresses on the continuity and fatigue; and contributes to the understanding of product’s status under vibration circumstance in a normal environment; and avoids the product’s unpredictable damage caused under certain vibrating frequency for a long time.
Universal Protection Relay Testing
KINGSINE Electric Automation Co., Ltd.
◆ Digital signal complying IEC61850-9-1 / IEC61850-9-2 protocols.◆ Synchronize with GPS,IRIG-B.◆ Suitable testing for all kinds of electromagnetic relays,microcomputer relays.
Vacuity Testers Of Vacuum Switches
GDZK-IV Vacuity Testers of Vacuum Switches is designed to measure the vacuum degree of vacuum switches. It uses an electromagnetic discharge measuring method, to ensure the testing results accurate and reliable.The testing data can estimate vacuum switch's health and life span
Innovative EM Technology
The new system arising from this project will be known as BIPTEM (B field, Induced Polarisation, Transient Electromagnetic). Depending on the target nature, the system can be flown in fixed ground loop, traditional in-loop, or long‑offset Slingram configurations.
Lightning Detector/Storm Detector
The SkyScan detects electromagnetic emissions from individual lightning strokes, and can be detected at long range by use of ad hoc sensors. It is a hand-held instrument with an electronic system to detect the presence of lightning/thunderstorm activity occurring within 40 miles of your location.
Four Channel Exposure Acquisition System
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
EASY4 is a complete standalone measurement system that provides high precision, multi-channel electromagnetic field and temperature evaluations.
Promis 10
The Promis device is a multi-frequency, multi-spacing 3 component slingram type EM System for sounding and profiling the soil. This system features a transmitter loop to produce a primary magnetic field that will induce eddy current in conductive materials. These eddy currents will generate a secondary magnetic field that will be measured with the receiver loop. This system measures the in-phase and the out-of-phase components of the secondary magnetic field.
Electromagnetic Simulation Software Suite
EMTOOLS is a computational electromagnetic (CEM) software suite comprised of 16 different software codes. ACAL (Advanced Complex Algebra Library) is an out-of-core linear system solution library, using a hyper-matrix approach to partition the problem. The AntFarm™ (Antenna Farm) toolkit analyzes the radiation and electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects of single or multiple heterogeneous RF systems. Apatch™ software is an antenna design and analysis tool that provides antenna simulation and modeling by computing the radiation and receiving pattern of an antenna or antenna array installed in an operational environment...
General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
GEMACS' biggest advantage over other EM codes (NEC, BSC, Carlos-3D, etc.) is the availability of multiple physics and solution methods integrated into a single product, with a command and geometry language that lets the user and not the software direct the execution of a particular problem.
Electromagnetic anechoic box/Shield box/Anechoic chamber
The necessity of a wireless system test has risen by the spread of recent wireless telecommunication equipment as shown in cellular phone, wireless LAN, RF-ID tag and ETC (Electronic Toll Collection system). It is necessary for a wireless test to be performed in anechoic environment in which an external noise is intercepted and a radio wave does not reflect internally. An anechoic chamber (room version of a shield box) is proper facilities but needs a wide space and a huge cost. Especially, the equipment under wireless system test on the production line can not radiate any signal radio wave outside before approval. The shield box satisfies these conditions.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter for conductive liquids
Reliable measurement and monitoring of industrial water, cooling water or warm water. Simultaneous measurement of flow and temperature. Flexible integration into all fieldbus systems via IO-Link. Commissioning and operation via Bluetooth® and SmartBlue App. Minimum conductivity ≥20 μS/cm. Fluid temperature –10 to +70 °C (+14 to +158 °F).
Fast Electromagnetic Analysis Suite
FEMAS was created to provide tools for engineers to assist in PCB and system design. Our tools are based on full wave solutions to Maxwell's equations but operate much faster than traditional CEM tools. Multi-Functional! End-to-End Link Path Analysis. S-parameter file concatenation. Time Domain analysis. Frequency Domain analysis. Transmit/Receive Equalization. Causality/Passivity Checking/enforcement. 2D Cross Section Analysis for multi-conductors. S-parameter and waveform plotting. Network parameter conversion. De-Embedding. Signal Analysis.
Off-Air Testing Products
Understanding the challenges of the Electromagnetic Spectrum is paramount for Engineers that are charged with the design, characterization, validation of modern RF systems such as Communications Systems, RADAR Systems, and Electronic Warfare Systems.
Altair software is used across industries to solve a broad range of electromagnetic problems from static to low and high frequencies. Whether your application requires multiple frequency and time-domain techniques with true hybridization to enable efficient exploration of a broad spectrum of electromagnetic performance, or the simulation of magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, we have the tools you need.
Flow Meter
Ultra Mag
The Ultra Mag is an advanced, leading-edge electromagnetic flow meter. It?s field-proven for the specific needs of the water & wastewater industries. The unit?s unique NSF-approved UltraLiner provides superior electrical insulation as well as excellent protection against corrosion and abrasion.
Electromagnetic Force Micro Tester
This is a multi-functional fatigue testing machine suitable for specimens, structures and full-sized parts. It is an overhead actuator type with a broad test space, so it is ideal for various types of environmental tests, such as those in corrosion tanks or constant temperature tanks.