Showing results: 1 - 15 of 114 items found.
Zimmer and Peacock AS
Electrochemical sensors are devices that provide real-time information about the composition of a system by connecting a chemically selective layer (recognition element) to an electrochemical transducer
Besides a potentiostat / galvanostat all our electrochemical workstations include also a frequency response analyzer unit (FRA) in their basic configuration. This makes each of our electrochemical workstations a highly versatile basis equipment for a multitude of electrochemical investigation methods on batteries, accumulators and fuel cells as well as on high impedance objects such as coatings and laminates. Due to their hardware extensions slots our instruments can be extended to multi purpose data acquisition and control test stands.
EC Epsilon EClipse -
The Epsilon EClipse™ is the latest electrochemical analyzer manufactured by BASi. It is a potentiostat/galvanostat with a second working electrode for bipotentiostat measurements. It comes with software that enables the most popular electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and chronopotentiometry (select Techniques below for a more complete list). The Basic Plus software can be purchased to enable pulsed voltammetry and stripping voltammetry techniques.
800D -
CH Instruments, Inc.
The Model 800C series is designed for electrochemical detection. This instrument can be used for monitoring the current passing through a flow cell in liquid chromatography/electrochemistry and in-flow injection analysis, as well as other electroanalytical applications.
600E -
CH Instruments, Inc.
The Model 600D series is designed for general purpose electrochemical measurements. The figure below shows the block diagram of the instrument. The system contains a fast digital function generator, high speed data acquisition circuitry, potentiostat, and a galvanostat (available only in select models).
C800 -
The Control 800 series of electrochemical converters combines high performance digital conductivity and analog pH measurements with intuitive operation. It has been designed for easy integration into skids and panels to cover a wide range of bioprocess applications in both, conventional stainless steel and single-use systems.
Chauvin Arnoux Metrix
A portable pH-meter from CHAUVIN ARNOUX is ideal for mobile applications: in the field, in the laboratory or in production. It can be used for quick, accurate, professional measurements of pH, Redox potential and temperature.
Maccor Series 4000, Model 4200, and Model 4300 Automated Test Systems -
Maccor, Inc.
The Maccor Series 4000, Model 4200, and Model 4300 Automated Test Systems can be configured with an M option. This option adds a Multiplexer to the test system which allows the channels to be connected to a Princeton Applied Research PARSTAT 4000 or Solartron Analytical 1260/87 impedance analyzer. With the impedance analyzer connected to the test system via the multiplexer the user can then program impedance tests in the Maccor test procedure which when reached will cause the test system to automatically disconnect the Maccor test channel from the device and connect the impedance analyzer to the device. When the impedance test is completed the test system will then automatically disconnect the impedance analyzer from the device and connect the Maccor test channel back to the device and continue with the programmed test procedure. For the Series 4000 Automated Test System, multiple multiplexers and impedance analyzers may be connected to a single test system. Contact the Maccor sales department with any questions concerning this option and for information concerning other supported models of impedance analyzers.
1280Z -
Ametek Scientific Instruments
The Solartron Analytical 1280Z Electrochemical Test System is a complete instrument that packages the potentiostat hardware for DC and Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) hardware for AC tests in a single compact unit.
920D -
CH Instruments, Inc.
The scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) was introduced in 19891 as an instrument that could examine chemistry at high resolution near interfaces. By detecting reactions that occur at a small electrode (the tip) as it is scanned in close proximity to a surface, the SECM can be employed to obtain chemical reactivity images of surfaces and quantitative measurements of reaction rates.
NuVant Systems, Inc.
- 16 bit DAQ card- 250 kS/s aggregate- 125 kS/s per channel- Step Impedance Spectroscopy- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) 0.01 – 10 kHz- 5-lead cable (3 electrodes, sense & ground)- LabVIEW EZware software- Free software upgrades. 1 year parts and labor warranty- EIS information
Ametek Scientific Instruments
The VersaSCAN is a single platform capable of providing spatial resolution to both electrochemical and materials-based measurements. Each VersaSCAN is based on a common high-resolution, long-travel, closed-loop positioning system mounted to a vibration-resistant optical base. Different auxiliary pieces are mounted to the positioning system. These ancillary pieces (e.g., an electrometer, piezo vibration unit, or a laser sensor) provide functionality to the positioning system for different scanning probe experiments. VersaSTAT potentiostats and Signal Recovery Lock-in Amplifiers are integrated via ethernet control to make accurate measurements of these small signals.
Ametek Scientific Instruments
The SECM integrates a positioning system, a bipotentiostat, and an ultramicroelectrode probe or tip. The positioning system moves the probe close to the surface of the sample, within the local imaging zone. The bipotentiostat can polarize the probe only (feedback mode) or the sample and the probe independently (generator-collector mode), while measuring the resulting current(s). The probe is specially designed to have a specific tapered polish (per the RG ratio) and active radius below 100 microns. The positioning system scans the probe and charts position with measured electrochemical parameters, creating a data map of local current.