Showing results: 1 - 15 of 26 items found.
Multichannel Line -
Metrohm AG
Multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat instruments for simultaneous measurements.
Modular Line -
Metrohm AG
The Modular Line of instruments consists of a range of instruments to suit any requirements in electrochemical research, from low to high voltage and from low to high current.
Portable Line -
Metrohm AG
Portable Line potentiostats/galvanostats combine electrochemical research in the laboratory with on-site research using well-established electrochemical techniques.These small and affordable portable instruments enable you to develop applications for your specific research needs. Portable Line instruments are an ideal solution in many research areas, such as (bio)sensor, corrosion, or (bio)fuel cell.
NuVant Systems, Inc.
Our electrochemical equipment will help your group achieve laboratory and research goals. The best-selling EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat can run cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), battery tests, and high speed galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The EZstat HV potentiostat delivers up to 1 amp at 25 volts. The Powerstat comes in two configurations (5 amp vs 20 amp). The Duostat bipotentiostat can operate rotating ring-disk electrode experiments. The Arraystat and ArrayPGstat feature multichannel operation with different customizable options (current range, number of channels, etc.).
M470. -
A modular, state-of-the-art instrument allowing users to exploit 9 local electrochemistry techniques.
BioLogic has over 25 years of experience producing scanning probe electrochemistry instruments. Initially this included a number of single technique instruments, with the first modular scanning electrochemical workstation, the M370, introduced in 2006, under the Uniscan name.Scanning probe electrochemistry has found use in academic and commercial research settings. It is applicable in any field in which bulk electrochemical measurements have been used. Scanning probe electrochemistry has found widespread use in: Corrosion and coatings, Biology, including biosensors and biotechnology, Batteries, fuel cells and photovoltaics, Materials, Catalysis
The conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon studied in physics, photochemistry, and electrochemistry.
CyberScan PC 650 -
Thermo Scientific
Combining two of the most popular electrochemistry parameters, the Eutech’s CyberScan PC650 allows you to measure pH, conductivity and temperature with one handheld, at the same time.
Bio-Logic Science Instruments
Battery & Intercalation Compounds, Battery Cycling, Capacitor and supercapacitor, Corrosion & Coatings, EIS, Electrochroms, Fuel Cell & Biofuel Cell, Fundamental Electrochemistry, PhotoVoltaics, Sensors
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Constant Current System is a DC power source with a built-in current probe designed for use in electrochemistry experiments.
Electrochemistry Tests -
Materials Development Corporation
CyclicVoltammetry and Galvanostatic Charging are tests used throughout the industrial and scientific communities to study chemical reactions and behavior of electronic structures. They are extremely helpful in the monitoring of nano based dielectrics, used in super /ultra capacitors or self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The Cyclic Voltammetry test applies a ramping voltage to a device and measures the resulting current. In acapacitor-like structure the current reveals loss in the dielectric as well as degradation over time. CyclicVoltammetry is used to characterize the performance of supercapacitors and ultracapacitors formed using various nano-technologies. It is also useful in the studies of self-assembled monolayers used for sensors.
Electronic loads are indispensable tools in several fields of electrochemistry, for example in the research of batteries and fuel cells. Using an additional external power supply you easily can extend an EL to a two-quadrant potentiostat you need e.g. in the field of electrolysis.
Ivium Technologies B.V.
The Vertex is an entry level potentiostat/galvanostat with optional FRA/EIS and optional I/O port. Its price easily matches its application in educational and applied electrochemistry. A complete suite of IviumSoft control and data processing software is included (for Windows based PC's).
Labfon Equipment Inc.
Potentiometric titrators provide results which are based on analysis methods that are highly important in the field of electrochemistry and are commonly used for the determination of different organic and inorganic ions in various areas such as process control and environmental, industrial, agricultural analysis and also medicinal drug analysis.
Ametek Scientific Instruments
In collaboration with SENSàSION, we are pleased to offer the Soft Stylus Probe contact mode technique developed by Professor Hubert Girault and co-workers of the Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (LEPA) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) for constant distance SECM. The probe technology offers the following benefits: