Showing results: 1 - 2 of 2 items found.
EC Epsilon EClipse -
The Epsilon EClipse™ is the latest electrochemical analyzer manufactured by BASi. It is a potentiostat/galvanostat with a second working electrode for bipotentiostat measurements. It comes with software that enables the most popular electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and chronopotentiometry (select Techniques below for a more complete list). The Basic Plus software can be purchased to enable pulsed voltammetry and stripping voltammetry techniques.
Digisim -
Cyclic voltammetry can readily provide qualitative information about the stability of the oxidation states and the electron transfer kinetics of a redox system. However, quantitative studies using cyclic voltammetry (e.g., mechanistic investigations) are more difficult and typically require the use of simulation software. A number of methods have been developed for the simulation of cyclic voltammograms. Of these methods, the fast implicit finite difference method has been shown to be the most efficient, stable, and accurate, and this method is used for the DigiSim simulation software from BASi®.