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  • RF Chamber

    HDRF-CHM-SERIES - RF Electronics

    *RF Chamber Designed and Developed for WLAN , Wireless device testing.*Ideal RF Enclosure for 802.11a, b, g, n, ac Device Testing*Ideal RF Shield for Bluetooth, RFID, 3G Device testing

  • RF Chamber Fixtures

    IST Engineering, INC.

    - 12” W x 12” D x 8” H internal dimensions- RF mechanical chamber can fit various wireless and Bluetooth products- test either commercial or consumer

  • RF Diagnostic Chamber

    DST200 - Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

    The R&S®DST200 RF diagnostic chamber is the ideal environment for RF analysis during development. It supports a wide range of radiated test applications for wireless devices and fits on any R&D lab bench, where it can be used at all times during the product design and optimization phase. The R&S®DST200 effectively assists in achieving high first-time pass rates during final type approval, which saves time and money.

  • Faraday Chamber for RF

    AN133 - 6TL Engineering

    The Faraday Chamber is an add-on for the 6TL36 test handler. This kit is installed into the 6TL36 in the same way a normal test fixture would be installed, being the only difference the fact that different products to be tested will, from that moment on, only need an additional exchangeable cassettes to be tested.

  • RF Shielded Chamber


    A high performance RF-shielded chamber specifically designed for radiated emissions testing in accordance with MIL-STD-461E/F. This chamber can be used for conducted emissions, conducted immunity, radiated emissions, and radiated immunity testing.

  • PXIe-5651, 3.3 GHz RF Signal Generator

    PXIe-5651 / 781216-01 - NI

    PXIe, 3.3 GHz, PXI RF Analog Signal Generator—The PXIe‑5651 features continuous-wave generation capabilities with FM, 2‑FSK, or OOK modulation. It uses direct digital synthesis (DDS) for high-resolution frequency hopping or phase-continuous sweeping for fixture and device characterization applications. The PXIe‑5651 is ideal for clocking nonstandard sample rates, such as WCDMA signals at baseband or intermediate frequency (IF). With these versatile signal generators, you can perform analog and digital modulation through the onboard DDS circuit, which gives you frequency modulation and frequency-shift keying for applications such as bit error rate test, antenna testing, or even keyless entry. You can also perform amplitude modulation using on-off keying.

  • PXI-5652, 6.6 GHz RF Analog Signal Generator

    779670-02 - NI

    6.6 GHz PXI RF Analog Signal Generator—The PXI‑5652 features continuous-wave generation capabilities with FM, 2‑FSK, or OOK modulation. It uses direct digital synthesis (DDS) for high-resolution frequency hopping or phase-continuous sweeping for fixture and device characterization applications. The PXI‑5652 is ideal for clocking nonstandard sample rates, such as WCDMA signals at baseband or intermediate frequency (IF). With these versatile signal generators, you can perform analog and digital modulation through the onboard DDS circuit, which gives you frequency modulation and frequency-shift keying for applications such as bit error rate test, antenna testing, or even keyless entry. You can also perform amplitude modulation using on-off keying.

  • PXIe-5650, 1.3 GHz RF Signal Generator

    781215-01 - NI

    The PXIe‑5650 features continuous-wave generation capabilities with FM, 2‑FSK, or OOK modulation. It uses direct digital synthesis (DDS) for high-resolution frequency hopping or phase-continuous sweeping for fixture and device characterization applications. The PXIe‑5650 is ideal for clocking nonstandard sample rates, such as WCDMA signals at baseband or intermediate frequency (IF). With these versatile signal generators, you can perform analog and digital modulation through the onboard DDS circuit, which gives you frequency modulation and frequency-shift keying for applications such as bit error rate test, antenna testing, or even keyless entry. You can also perform amplitude modulation using on-off keying.

  • PXI-5650, 1.3 GHz RF Signal Generator

    779670-00 - NI

    The PXI‑5650 features continuous-wave generation capabilities with FM, 2‑FSK, or OOK modulation. It uses direct digital synthesis (DDS) for high-resolution frequency hopping or phase-continuous sweeping for fixture and device characterization applications. The PXI‑5650 is ideal for clocking nonstandard sample rates, such as WCDMA signals at baseband or intermediate frequency (IF). With these versatile signal generators, you can perform analog and digital modulation through the onboard DDS circuit, which gives you frequency modulation and frequency-shift keying for applications such as bit error rate test, antenna testing, or even keyless entry. You can also perform amplitude modulation using on-off keying.

  • PXIe-5654, 10 GHz or 20 GHz RF Signal Generator

    783126-01 - NI

    The PXIe‑5654 features an ideal combination of exceptional phase noise and frequency tuning time. These features address applications such as blocker test/receiver desensitization, high-performance intermodulation distortion measurements, and various electronic warfare applications. The PXIe‑5654 is designed to meet the challenging requirements of RFIC characterization, satellite test, and radar applications.

  • Reverberation Chamber Testing

    National Technical Systems

    A reverberation chamber, sometimes known as a mode tuned/mode stirred chamber, is a shielded enclosure or resonant cavity for RF testing. This chamber is statistically isotropic, random polarity, having RF uniformity within specified limits. Typically a reverberation chamber has a paddle (or tuner) which stirs the field, randomizing the boundary conditions.

  • RF Filters

    Raymond RF Measurements Corp.

    Raymond RF offers a complete line of RF filters ranging from 0.4A to 600A in both stand-alone and cabinet-mounted configurations for our QuietBoxes and Anechoic Chambers. Both styles of filters can be supplied with NPT pipe nipples and flange nuts for mounting directly on a QuietBox or Anechoic Chamber. Alternately, both styles of filters can be remotely mounted with shielded conduit running between the clean end of the filter and the QuietBox or Anechoic Chamber.

  • Anechoic Chamber Filters

    Adaura Technologies

    RF leakage through Ethernet and USB cables can destroy even the best RF enclosures and chambers. The need for filtering in the ever congested RF environment requires special filters that can pass USB 2.0 and 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet signals and filter out unwanted higher frequencies such as cellular and WiFi. The Adaura Technologies USB/Gigabit Filters provide one GigE and one USB 2.0 pass-through connections while filtering out other RF up to 8GHz. It has a small form factor to allow easy installation. It is a most cost effective solution for a clean chamber set up. In a typical chamber, WiFi signals are reduced to <-100dBm with this filter installed.

  • Shielding Solutions

    AWT Global

    Antenna Test Chambers are especially designed for testing RF devices and antennas from frequency ranges of 700 MHz to 6000 MHz. These Antenna Test Chambers provide a shielding of more than 90 dB as well as lowest residual passive intermodulation.

  • Chambers


    rf cham·ber ex·per·tise 1. the expert skill and know-how gained from designing and installing more than 10,000 rf chambers and enclosures worldwide 2. having the knowledge to answer questions others haven't thought to ask

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