Sand and Dust Testing

Sand and Dust Testing

NTS operates some of the largest and most accurate sand and dust testing chambers available in the industry. We can accommodate parts in excess of 8 ft3 (0.25 m3) and comply with the requirements of various regulatory standards. While sand or dust circulate at up to 40 mph (65 kph) we can modify the test according to your special requirements, including running at temperatures of up to +200°F (+95°C). A calibrated “hopper” which assures that an adequate amount of contaminant is entering into circulation manages the input to the chambers. In addition to measured inputs, NTS employs an electronic beam, which determines that there is the right mixture of sand or dust and air in the test medium at any given time. This enables our technicians to adjust for loss in real time, and make corrections to ensure that the test article is exposed to the harmful particulate matter for the requisite amount of time.

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