Showing results: 1 - 15 of 19 items found.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The 1200 kHz RiverPro has been purpose-built to fill two specific needs:To provide an ADCP designed specifically for shallow river applications (20 cm to 25 m range)To provide an upgrade path for our current industry gold-standard Rio Grande ADCP users (more info to follow on this upgrade.)
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Go straight to work collecting highly accurate stream and river discharge data with the RiverRay Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP).
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Building upon the tremendous 20-year success of their industry-standard Long Ranger ADCP, the Pinnacle 45 carries the technology and capability to new heights, for both research and operational applications. Rated to a depth of 2000 m, the 45 kHz phased array Pinnacle ADCP delivers a 1000 m current profiling range with a decreased size and weight, a game-changing swappable configuration, and a long list of impressive new features and product enhancements.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The StreamPro's 'bottom tracking' capability provides the ability to move continuously across the stream to obtain a discharge measurement in two or three minutes instead of thirty minutes to an hour using the older point-by-point method.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The self-contained Sentinel is Teledyne RD Instruments’ most popular and versatile Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) configuration, boasting thousands of units in operation in over 50 countries around the world.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The Sentinel V ADCP represents a perfect balance of capability and flexibility on one hand, with robustness and reliability on the other. Whether the research goals are focused and singular, or variable and multi-faceted, the Sentinel V will get you the data you need in the most efficient manner possible.
Q-Boat1250 -
Teledyne Marine Oceanscience
Teledyne Oceanscience Q-Boats® are the number one choice for reliable remotely-controlled acoustic Doppler current profiling in streams, rivers, lakes and coastal waters all over the world. Whether you need to reduce your survey time, keep people safe during difficult conditions, or access hard to reach locations, there is a Q-Boat to suit your survey and your budget.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The compact, versatile and affordable ChannelMaster is a two-beam, horizontally oriented ADCP designed to obtain high accuracy velocity data at ranges from 1 to 300 meters, utilizing 1 to 128 cells of data.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The Mariner offers all of the benefits of RDI’s traditional ADCP products in a compact package designed specifically for coastal hull-mount applications. The unit is easily integrated into the vessel’s DGPS input to provide integrated ADCP readings with precise position information.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Teledyne RD Instruments Sentinel V Waves Array combines our highly robust, field-proven WavesMon processing with our new 5-beam Sentinel V ADCP to provide the highest-quality waves and current profiles of any ADCP in use today.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The Monitor is Teledyne RD Instruments’ most popular direct-reading Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. The unit is typically bottom frame-mounted and hard-wired to shore to provide real-time monitoring of coastal currents.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
For decades, Teledyne RD Instruments has been the preeminent supplier of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) instrumentation for open ocean applications. Teledyne RDI’s vessel-mounted Ocean Surveyor family of ADCPs continues to raise the bar, collecting detailed maps of the distribution of water currents and suspended materials through the water column and along the ship’s path - at depths and resolutions previously considered unattainable. In real time, the ADCP is also used to aid in situ decision-making, to adapt field operations, and to understand current regime characteristics.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Since 1997 Teledyne RD Instruments has been providing ADCPs that have proven in the field they can profile beyond 1000 m from research vessels traveling at speeds >15 knots and from offshore oil and gas platforms during exploration work. That same technology has now allowed us to create the Ocean Observer III 38 kHz ADCP. We have combined our field-proven 38 kHz phased array ADCP transducer with our field-proven electronics into a single package that is capable of profiling >1000m. This design makes it ideal to be mounted from an oil platform, over the side of a vessel, and in surface buoys.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The Sentinel V ADCP is much more than a new product platform - it's a completely new way of interacting with your ADCP and your collected data. The Sentinel V's ReadyV and Velocity software are sure to become the industry benchmark, with its powerful features, multiple views, touch-screen capability and highly intuitive interface. If you can navigate a smart phone - you're ready for Velocity.
Xylem Analytics UK ltd.
Xylem Analytics brings together a number of leading technological brands including SonTek, HYPACK and YSI to provide the world's most innovative hydrographic and bathymetric survey systems. The rQPOD is a modular system that when attached to a standard size Torrent Board housing both SonTek M9 and S5 RiverSurveyor ADCP systems, transforms into a motorised platform facilitating remote shore operation for easy collection of ADCP data.