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sense, display, measures; gas, water, electricity, particles, vibration, light or quanta.
See Also: Sensors, Measurement
Leaking Current Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a stable, low power consumption, and high accuracy 3 1/2 digits (2000 counts) leaking current tester for automobile. Leaking current for automobile is generally as small as milliamps, which is hard to measure by clamp meter. By plug this meter with the fuse box, user is able to measure leaking current as small as 1 mA.
Sonic Belt Tension Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
The sonic belt tension meter is able to measure the vibration of the belt from the microphone in the front. The meter will then use the mathematical calculation to convert the tension from the vibration of the belt, which is helpful for installation or tuning of any belts.
200A Digital Clamp Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a auto-ranging, high accuracy and stable hand held clamp meter to make electrical maintenance safe and easy. With special designed IC to support true RMS, the meter is available to measure AC/DC voltage to 600V, AC current to 200A and resistance to 20MΩ; also having the capability to test diode, continuity and non contact voltage sensing. Sub switch included Function Select, Max-Min Indication, Value Hold, Range Select, Relative Value Measurement, Illumination and Back-light.
600A Digital Clamp Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is an auto-ranging, high accuracy and stable hand held clamp meter to make electrical maintenance safe and easy. With special designed IC to support true RMS, the meter is available to measure AC/DC voltage to 600V, AC/DC current to 600A and resistance to 60MΩ; also having the capability to test diode, continuity, frequency and non contact voltage sensing. Sub switch included Function Select, Value Hold, Range Select, Relative Value Measurement, Inrush Current Indication, Hz/Duty Cycle, Illumination and Back-light.
600A Digital Clamp Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a auto-ranging, high accuracy and stable hand held clamp meter to make electrical maintenance safe and easy. With special designed IC to support true RMS, the meter is available to measure AC/DC voltage to 600V, AC current to 600A and resistance to 60MΩ; also having the capability to test diode, continuity and non contact voltage sensing. Sub switch included Function Select, Max-Min Indication, Value Hold, Range Select, Relative Value Measurement, Inrush Current Indication, Illumination and Back-light.
Pin Type Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
To measure fiber substance, building & constructing materials, various nonmetallic material, paper, wood, bamboo products, Chinese medicinal herb, tobacco, cotton, textile, soil and so on.
Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
Ideal for measuring moisture content in fiber and wood material. Easy-to-use handheld tool for many industrial and home inspection.
Pinless Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*This equipment measure the moisture by electronic magnetic, it will not damage the measured surface.*This equipment has moisture limitation warning function. User can setup the moisture warning when moisture is over the limitation.*Simple operation and visual display; user read the moisture through the number on the LCD display.*10 levels of density for different materials, which increases the accuracy of measurement.
Pin Type Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
The moisture meter measure the moisture by the conductivity between the two pins. It can be widely apply for fiber material, for example, building and its construction material, various nonmetallic material, paper, wood, bamboo products, herb, tobacco, cotton, textile, soil and so on. Easy operation, clear indication; LCD screen will display the moisture of the target.
LCD Pin Type Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a equipment to measure material moisture, environment temperature and humidity. Generally the user will use this device to measure the water containment of wood, building material, etc. Environment temperature and humidity can be the reference when user measures the water containment of the material.
Meters For Contact Angle And Surface Tension
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Low cost contact angle meter provides all functions for DIN conform measurement of contact angle and SFE.
Meters For Contact Angle And Surface Tension
Contact Angle Standard
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
The contact angle standard is a glass plate with images, representing sessile drops with different contact angles. The contact angle standard is manufactured by a high accurate lithographic process, so the images itself are very accurate according the given CAD-data. The Glass plate is placed on the measuring table instead of a real drop. The proof of the reproducibility of the contact angle measurement is performed by a repeated measurement of the object (sessile drop). For a correct test, the measurement must be performed, using the live video (not a frozen image). For a real sessile drop exists the problem, that it evaporates permanently. The result of the permanent evaporation is the permanent change of the contact angle. Therefore, the proof of the reproducibility of the contact angle measurement is not possible, using a real liquid, since the object changes permanently the contact angle!
Meters For Contact Angle And Surface Tension
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Measuring instrument for contact angle and surface free energy, special solution for semiconductor technology for wafers up to 300 mm.
Livestock Environmental Meter
The Kestrel 5000AG is designed to meet the needs of livestock, agriculture and animal health professionals. Producers, growers, veterinarians, and consultants in every field of agriculture will gain vital information regarding micro-climate conditions needed to maximize performance and profitability. This lightweight, handheld, multi-function meter can be used inside and out for spot measurement of current conditions and also tracks and logs over 10,000 sets of time-stamped data.
Mobile Watt Meter
The PM2000AM Mobile measures and displays forward power, reflected power, and SWR simultaneously on it's dual movement meter system in the frequency range. Accuracy of the readings is assured because the PM2000AM features a true shielded directional coupler, that on the mobile version is offered as an external unit. The backlit meter can display either peak or average power readings, and has 300 and 3000 watt range settings.
Watt Meter
The PM2000A measures and displays forward power, reflected power, and SWR simultaneously on it's dual movement meter system in the frequency range. Accuracy of the readings is assured because the WM150 features a true shielded directional coupler. The backlit meter can display either peak or average power readings, and has 300 and 3000 watt range settings.
Handheld Wind Meter
Stationary wind meters have not always been available at all sites where they are needed, such as sites for flying model aircraft, para-gliding, sailing, surfing and many other leisure activities. In addition to the excellent portability provided by its compact design and the innovative “packaging” of the wind wheel, the new ELV handheld wind meter permits not only determination of the wind strength, but also the complex assessment of the weather situation at the site.
Save A Drop Water Meter
Is your water bill out of control? Part of the problem could be that you’re over-watering your garden! Now you can take control of both with the unique Save A Drop® Water Meter. Simply attach between the faucet and hose and the easy to read meter shows you how much water you’re using. It accurately measures both single waterings use as well as cumulative water usage to accurately meet your garden’s (and wallet’s) needs.
The Palstar HF-AUTO 1800 watt automatic antenna tuner covers 160 to 6 Meters with a power rating of up to 1800 watts PEP. Hams have enjoyed the benefits of low power auto-tuners for years, but now Palstar takes it to the next level and offers auto-tuning with a power rating of 5 Watts to 1800 watts.
Portable Fuel Dilution Meter
FDM 6000
The FDM 6000 is a portable, battery operated fuel dilution meter that determines the concentration of fuel dilution present in an oil sample within a matter of minutes. The FDM 6000 uses a unique patent pending fang design to pierce the cap of a disposable sample vial and draws in the headspace from the vial. The headspace flows over a SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) sensor which reacts specifically to the presence of fuel vapor with a detection range of 0 – 15%. It can detect diesel, gasoline or jet fuel in engine oil. It conforms to ASTM D8004 - "Standard Test Method for Fuel Dilution of In-Service Lubricants Using Surface Acoustic Wave Sensing"
Wavelength Meter
Wavelength meter slot module of FOTS system offers two main functions of an accurate wavelength meter and a precise tunable band-pass filter. This accurate instrument, which is based on an internal tunable filter, acts as an optical spectrum analyzer or a wavelength meter as well as a low insertion loss tunable filter. The built-in tunable filter of the module is precisely tuned in C-band and L-band optical communication window by using both electronic and optical controlling methods. User can choose the function of this module depending on his or her applications.
Wavelength and Power Meter
•Wide range Wavelength Meter– Auto λ detection from 1270nm to 1610nm– Auto power calibration & display•FTTx/PON Wavelength Meter– 1310/1490/1550nm auto λ detection– Auto power calibration & display•Optical Power Measurement– Optical network power measurement– Power measurement for system & module•Insertion Loss Measurement– Optical network & component IL measurement– IL measurement for CWDM 16-wavelength•Smartphone Interface– Communicates with smartphone via bluetooth– Smartphone application software
Mini Power Meter
•Very small and lightweight•Communicates with Smartphone via USB / Bluetooth•Communicates with PC via USB•Smartphone application software and PC Software•Internal data storage up to 100 measurements•Pass/Fail indication for in-field compliance•Li-ion Polymer rechargeable battery•Battery charging via a USB interface•Universal 2.5mm adapter to accept FC, SC or ST (1.25mm adapter option)•Up to 22 Factory-calibrated wavelengths (nm)850, 980, 1270, 1290, 1300, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1370, 1390, 1410, 1430, 1450, 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590, 1610, 1625
Mini Light Source Meter
•Stabilized Light Source•1310nm & 1550nm•Very small and lightweight•Controlled by Smartphone or PC via USB or Bluetooth•Smartphone application software and PC software•Li-ion Polymer Rechargeable battery•Battery charging via a USB interface•Universal 2.5mm adapter to accept FC, SC or ST•Reference light source for optical test