Showing results: 1411 - 1425 of 3728 items found.
IIB-1553-PCI -
Western Avionics Ltd.
The IIB-1553-PCI is an intelligent interface card giving full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability on the PCI bus, providing 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in a single card.
IIB-1553-PMC -
Western Avionics Ltd.
The IIB-1553-PMC is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for the PCI Mezzanine standard, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card.
438-II -
Fluke Corporation
The Fluke 438-II Power Quality and Motor Analyzer adds key mechanical measurement capabilities for electric motors to the advanced power quality analysis functions of the Fluke 435 Series II Power Quality Analyzers.
80SICON IConnect -
Tektronix, Inc.
IConnect software is the efficient, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solution for measurement-based performance evaluation of gigabit interconnect links and devices, including signal integrity analysis, impedance, S-parameter and eye diagram tests, and fault isolation.
Silvaco Data Systems
Silvaco offer a full IC-CAD design flow including design capture, circuit simulation, layout design, physical verification, parasitic extraction and reduction, and post-layout analysis including statistical variation, IR-drop/EM.
Osborne Transformer Corp.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing is a somewhat unique discipline within the world of electrical product development and analysis. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing is primarily concerned with understanding and mitigating the affects of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
Nexus Technology, Inc.
Probing a SRIO 1 or 2 serial bus at the transmit or receive end point provides the optimal signal for analysis. Single channel probes are designed to attach at that point providing flexibility for different channel widths.
Objective Solutions, Inc.
The Automation Monitor is a diagnostic system for remote analysis and troubleshooting of semiconductor capital equipment. The monitor is capable of delivering synchronous streams from strategically located video cameras, sound devices and data sources on the equipment.
Ironwood Electronics
- Pluggable BGA adapter system (Giga-snaP™) – Surface mount package emulators – Package convertors & Fix adapters – Prototype, probe & analysis adapters – Receptacles, extenders, rotators and socket plugs– Electronic modules
Griffin III -
Hilevel Technology, Inc.
The Griffin III system brings new price/performance efficiency to the Tester-in-a-Head tradition, a concept created and introduced by HILEVEL in 1987. This tester is a superior cost-effective solution for Engineering, Production, and Failure Analysis test applications.
dScope Series III -
Spectral Measurement
The dScope Series III is a comprehensive and powerful measurement system for analogue and digital audio generation and analysis, including digital audio carrier parameters, acoustic transducers and Windows™ sound devices (WDM or ASIO).
LabBGN -
HEAD acoustics GmbH
labBGN is the first of the new ACQUAlab generation of measurement front ends. It is used in conjunction with the background noise simulation systems 3PASS HAE-BGN/ HAE-car, the communication analysis system ACQUA and other HEAD acoustics components.
Shenzhen Guoqin Technology Co., Ltd
*Fast Bit Rates (FAST) and Interleaved Bit Rate (INTL) testing *Line parameter testing*Upstream and Downstream Channel Speed RateLine AttenuationSNR MarginTransmit PowerUtilize Rate*Line Errors*Alarms analysis
Arbitrary Resources, S.L.
The DBA Analysis Tool allows the digital broadcast design engineer and network technician to easily add all the required modulation quality and quaily of sercie capabilities to their Tektronix Real Time and Portable Spectrum Analyzer.
41800A -
Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 41800A Active Probe provides high input impedance from 5 Hz to 500 MHz. The Keysight 41800A is a valuable tool when used with a network and spectrum analyzer for circuit signal analysis.