​Water Data Management and Analysis Software

​Water Data Management and Analysis Software

Flowlink® Cipher represents the latest advancement in Teledyne ISCO's Flowlink series​ of data management solutions. Now an advanced cloud-based solution, Flowlink Cipher allows site managers to view and m​anage all data at multiple sites through an easy-to-use and powerful browser-based user interface. Centralized, secure, cloud-based access to device status, site status, and flow data occurs through desktops, laptops and tablet mobiles devices with no need for client software or mobile apps. With AWS hosting security, there is no better protection from service interruptions or data loss. Advanced user administration provides five levels of access with user profiles including View Only, Editor, Analyst, Site Manager, and Administrator.

Flowlink Cipher is built for speed and accuracy. Adding sites, devices and desired data sets is fast and easy, as is graph creation using drag and drop tools to bring data directly into graphical format. A broad range of controls for graph design and builtin mathematical calculations allows site managers to develop state-of-the-art data analysis with insightful views and reporting without the need for expensive analysts or time-consuming data export and data manipulation procedures.

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