Showing results: 1 - 6 of 6 items found.
AFJ Instruments
A click is defined as a disturbance exceeding the limit of continuous noise for not longer than 200ms, separated from a subsequent or preceding disturbance by at least 200ms.
AFJ Instruments
AFJ manufactures a complete range of RF emission test equipment for EMC applications.Our FFT EMI Receivers cover the frequency range from 9kHz to 3GHz.
AFJ Instruments
High accuracy CISPR 16-1-1 EMI receivers and high precision calibrated antennas for radiated emission measurements.
AFJ Instruments
Through different ways of coupling between luminaries and humans, a level of exposure of a person to electromagnetic fields can be derived. One part of the exposure is based on capacitive coupling between lighting equipment and person. This creates induced internal electric field that must be evaluated using an EMI receiver and a Van Der Hoofden test head.
AFJ Instruments
AFJ receivers and accessories for the disturbance power using the absorbing clamp measurement, are conforming to CISPR 16-1-1 and CISPR 14-1.
AFJ Instruments
AFJ FFT 3010 & 3030 EMI Receivers have been especially designed for conducted emission measurement, both during EUT diagnostic development and for final compliance testing.