Showing results: 4216 - 4230 of 4775 items found.
SLS-21 -
SLS-21 series Stabilized Laser Source paired with ShinewayTech optical power meters can meet the test requirements of fiber identification, attenuation/loss measurements, continuity verification and transmission quality evaluation on singlemode and multimode fibers in LAN/WAN/CATV systems, offering high quality, stability and competitive costs.
Bestone Industrial Ltd.
This meter is a precision instrument for measuring light intensity. It is used in solar radiation measurement, solar research, physical and optical experiments, meteorology, and agriculture. I can also be used to measure glass ligh intensity to verify glass properties. For example: Measurement of light intensity through vehicle windows.
PAT-2E -
Sonel S.A.
The innovative combination of small dimensions (full portability of the device) with advanced measuring systems allow to carry out fully automated measurements for electrical equipment, IEC cables and extension cords (including those with PRCD). The set of tests is performed with one click of START button. Confi guration options of the meter allow you to modify the operation of the device, and thus, tailor it to the needs of the user. In situations, where it is necessary to perform simple and single measurement, without the need to do complex measurement procedure, Pat Sonel allow you to work in a single measurement mode of a given type (ie. Manual). All meters in this series (PAT) also allow you to make basic measurements without external power in emergency situations i.e. in the absence of the power one can easily run a simplifi ed set of test in a battery mode. Small size, weight, and specially designed carrying case of the meter and accessories provide comfort and high mobility. Wireless communication with a printer enables organization of the working site without the hassle of unnecessary cables. Storage and integration of the results in PC software further extends the functionality of the instrument.
PAT-10 -
Sonel S.A.
The innovative combination of small dimensions (full portability of the device) with advanced measuring systems allow to carry out fully automated measurements for electrical equipment, IEC cables and extension cords (including those with PRCD). The set of tests is performed with one click of START button. Configuration options of the meter allow you to modify the operation of the device, and thus, tailor it to the needs of the user. In situations, where it is necessary to perform simple and single measurement, without the need to do complex measurement procedure, Pat Sonel allow you to work in a single measurement mode of a given type (ie. Manual). All meters in this series (Pat) also allow you to make basic measurements without external power in emergency situations i.e. in the absence of the power one can easily run a simplified set of test in a battery mode. Small size, weight, and specially designed carrying case of the meter and accessories provide comfort and high mobility. Wireless communication with a printer enables organization of the working site without the hassle of unnecessary cables. Storage and integration of the results in PC software further extends the functionality of the instrument.
PAT-2 -
Sonel S.A.
The innovative combination of small dimensions (full portability of the device) with advanced measuring systems allow to carry out fully automated measurements for electrical equipment, IEC cables and extension cords (including those with PRCD). The set of tests is performed with one click of START button. Confi guration options of the meter allow you to modify the operation of the device, and thus, tailor it to the needs of the user. In situations, where it is necessary to perform simple and single measurement, without the need to do complex measurement procedure, Pat Sonel allow you to work in a single measurement mode of a given type (ie. Manual). All meters in this series (PAT) also allow you to make basic measurements without external power in emergency situations i.e. in the absence of the power one can easily run a simplifi ed set of test in a battery mode. Small size, weight, and specially designed carrying case of the meter and accessories provide comfort and high mobility. Wireless communication with a printer enables organization of the working site without the hassle of unnecessary cables. Storage and integration of the results in PC software further extends the functionality of the instrument.
Cobra Electronics Corporation
The XRS 9370 provides total protection and peace of mind with the Xtreme Range Superheterodyne technology. It comes in industry-leading compact size and is packed with performance, including POP Mode radar gun detection.Super-fast sweep circuitry provides extra detection range and the best possible advance warning to all radar/laser guns currently used in the United States and Canada, including POP Mode (Super-fast) Instant-on Radar guns. Other features include Ultrabright Data Display, Tone Alert, Signal Strength Meter, LaserEye, IntelliMute/IntelliMute Pro, VG-2/Spectre Radar Detector-Detectors, Safety Alert, Auto/Manual Mute, Dim Modes, City/Highway Filtering Modes, and Ku-band detection.
Laser Distance Meter -
MEET International Ltd.
One of the most advantages of "External Wireless Connectivity Laser Distance Meter" is wirelessly connect to Smart phone / Tablet / PC (require external modules) through free APPS. Measured distance can be displayed by graphic with previous reading recorded and most useful feature included is the measurement of distance / area / volume can be snapped through Smart phone with figure out / indication of the measured value as well as calculation of area with the required information, such as an area measured need to know the amount of paint or how many tiles or wall paper required for the project. According to these information, you may calculate estimate cost of the project to meet with your budget or to send to your client or office.
Material Sensing & Instrumentation
MSI Time-Domain-Reflectometry (TDR) Structural-Health Monitoring probes the structural health of a composite part by propagating a fast electrical pulse along a distributed linear sensor which has been fabricated directly in the laminate. The sensor is formed from the native graphite fibers already used in composite manufacture, and constitutes zero defect. Fibers are patterned into a microwave waveguide geometry, or transmission line, and interrogated by a rapid pulse as shown below. Structural faults along the line cause distortions in waveguide geometry, producing reflected pulses similar to radar. Cracking, delamination, disbonds, moisture penetration, marcelling, and strain are all detected by propagation delay, for sensor lengths up to several meters.
DIT-130 -
Sonel S.A.
Temperature meters operating in the infrared are used to determine the temperature of the surface of the item. The optical system of the device detects the emitted, bounced and sent energy, which is collected and concentrated on the detector. Electronic system translates optical data into temperature value. In order to increase accuracy the laser pointer is built-in the device.
LT51 -
H Heuer Instruments Pty Ltd.
The LT51 Line Tester is a portable handheld battery powered instrument for Data, DSL, Telephone, Voice Copper Line testing. It combines the features of several pieces of test equipment such as a Level Meter / Spectrum Analyser, Distortion Analyser, Oscillator, Handheld DMM and TDR in the one small lightweight package.
DIT-500 -
Sonel S.A.
Temperature meters operating in the infrared are used to determine the temperature of the surface of the item. The optical system of the device detects the emitted, bounced and sent energy, which is collected and concentrated on the detector. Electronic system translates optical data into temperature value. In order to increase accuracy the laser pointer is built-in the device.
NUL-230 -
There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light. The UVB wavelength range is 280-320 nm, which is 2% of the total UV radiation. The UVB radiation affects the vitamin generation in the human body, the immune suppression, skin cancer and cataract. The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).
Cole-Parmer Instrument
When you need to perform critical water testing, look to us for an extensive selection of electrochemical meters, controllers, probes, electrodes, test kits, buffers, and standards. Our field and laboratory instrumentation include water analysis instruments for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, and turbidity.
A.H.Systems, Inc.
Conducted currents can be measured without making direct contact with the source conductor or metallic surface by means of clamp-on broadband current probes. The BCP-5xx EMC Current Probes are designed to permit field intensity meters, spectrum analyzers, and other 50W impedance instruments to measure quantitative magnitudes of current.
Diagnostic set includes measuring instruments and tools for diagnosing faults on fiber optic cables with connectors STRATOS and CTOS, and direct technical successors connectors HMA. The OPTOKON Diagnostic Set includes two instruments - Light source and Power meter. Both instruments are housed in a hard carry case that meets the requirement of fiber optic networks installation and maintenance teams, who require rugged and lightweight fiber optic test equipment that combines high performance with ease of use and reliable operation. The Diagnostic Set allows traceable measurements on dual wavelength and data storage to the PC. It includes the hybrid master HMA-FC patchcord for testing of harsh environmental networks and is comprised of these measurement instruments: LS-800 light source and PM-800 power meter