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Visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from 400nm to 700nm.
See Also: Illumination, Lighting, Lightning, Lightwave, Daylight, Streetlight, Luminescence
Environmental Testers
When you’ve got a specialized job to do, general-purpose tools won’t do. Whether you’re measuring sound, light, water or solar energy, depend on Amprobe for affordable, environmental test solutions.
Quartz Sensor Fiber Head
Pure quartz fiber stands aving high UV transmission properties are used. This is the quartz sensor fiber head exclusive for the UV MONITOR SERIES excelling in flexibility and durability. The exclusive use receptacle for the light receiving inlet is also available.
Light Source
This is the ultra high power unit fully utilizing the high stability and long life 350watt ultra high pressure mercury lamp. The unit is made to compact size.
VP Power Meter
This is the standard measurement instrument to measure absolute UV vaiue. All SAN-EI's UV light source fixtures are measured by this meter.
Light Source
By traversing two light guide ends (right and left) by means of the high accuracy air cylinder, alternating irradiation of two independent positions is possible.
Light Source
This is the ultra compact and light weight high power unit fully utilizing characteristics of the high stability and long life 200watt mercury xenon lamp.
Light source
Measurement of maximum of 6 points is possible. By use of thee sensor amplifier box, distance between the light receiving inlet and the controller can be extended to 10 meters. Measurement start signals can be independently output by remote control. This is useful for the light source fixtures integrating shutter mechanism.
Light Source
Readouts of UV intensity and cumulative luminescence count are prompted either on the front panel or via the externally connected remote signal control. The UV intensity detection segment is intended to measure a specific intensity of light signals, while the cumulative luminescence count is designed to tally a cumulative count on all UV intensities measured, in conjunction with real-time calibration.
Light Source
In combination use with the uniform exposure unit, selection of uniform irradiation area in the range of 80mm200mm is possible.
Sensor Amplifier
This is the relay amplifier box for the multi-point type UV monitors. Received UV light intensity is converted to electric signal for transmission. This allows distance between the light receiving inlet and the controller to 10 meters maximum.
Light Source
By use of the light guide with the quartz sensor fiber, feed-back control and monitoring of UV irradiation intensity is possible. Also setting of UV intensity and meaurement by personal computer is possible
Audio Visual Alarm Station
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection
The AV1-C1D2E audio-visual alarm station is designed for installation and use in heavy industrial environments. The alarm station consists of a beacon and alarm horn. The warning light comes in field interchangeable dome colors of amber, blue, clear, green, red, yellow and magenta.The hazardous location combination AV1-C1D2E alarm horn sounder & beacon/status warning light is UL/cULs/ULC approved for Class I Div 2, Class II Div 2, Class I Zone 2/22 as well as IECEx and ATEX certified for Zone 2 and 22 applications.The 24 VDC version is UL and cUL approved to UL464 & UL1638 for private mode fire alarm use.
Online Slurry Elemental Analyzer
Lyncis Online Slurry Analyzer is providing continues elemental analysis of slurry without a need for a complex and high maintenance sampling system. The analyzer is installed above a slurry flow surface and can deliver an accurate chemical analysis of production feed, concentrate product or tailings. All elements including light once can be measured simultaneously without manual sampling and sample preparation.
Light Meters
Meter reads from 0 to 1,999 foot-candles (resolution 0.1 to 1). Bright 1/2-inch-high digits make it an easy to read pocket light meter. The simplicity of the two-button operation eliminates the need to refer to directions. Functions are on/off, and range. The meter can be zeroed with the simple turn of an adjustment screw
Turbidity Logger Sensor
This sensor measures the reflected light that enters into a tube containing a solution. As solution turbidity is higher, more light is reflected and measured by the light sensor, located perpendicular to the light source.
Colorimeter Logger Sensor
The colorimeter measures transmittance and absorbance of red, orange, green and blue light components projected on a solution. The colorimeter logger sensor has an opening for a special square solution cuvette. It turns on four different lights in known values and measures the received light that passes through the solution.
UVB Logger Sensor
There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light. The UVB wavelength range is 280-320 nm, which is 2% of the total UV radiation. The UVB radiation affects the vitamin generation in the human body, the immune suppression, skin cancer and cataract. The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).
UVA Logger Sensor
There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light.The UVA wavelength range is 320-370 nm, which is 98% of the total UV radiation.The UVA radiation affects photoaging and also photochemical smog.The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).
The NeuLog Panda multi-sensor can be used for any science experiment which utilizes Room Temperature, Light, Barometric pressure, Altitude, Sound, Relative Humidity, Dew-Point, Magnetic Field and G-Acceleration readings.Panda is used for environmental data collection and other experiments in Natural Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. It is specially designed for primary school level.The multi-sensor comes pre-calibrated so you can start experimentation right out of the box
Light Logger Sesor
This sensor is very versatile with applications in many areas of the natural sciences. It can be used to study photosynthesis in biology, light-emitting chemical reactions in chemistry, the effect of changing voltage on a light-bulb's output in physics and more.
Segmented STEM Detector
In a drive to meet our customers’ needs, El-Mul developed a detection solution for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (STEM) which can support multiple applications such as DPC, cryo tomography, imaging of strain, charge, light elements or Z-contrast.
BSE Detection
SLIM™ is an innovative design for under-the-column BSE detection.SLIM™ puts El-Mul’s ScintiFast™ together with a segmented, shaped light guide and Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) to create a fast, sensitive, segmented and compact BSE detector for e-beam tools.
Solar Simulator
XES Series
The recent environmental issues have been drawing more attention over the past few years. So "solar simulators" have come into the public eye much more often. They are mainly used for the evaluation of solar cells as well as for other types of tests where sunlight needs to be recreated.The continuous light of xenon lamp, the most faithful reproduction of sunlight, is applied in our highly accurate solar simulator, which has been widely sold across Japan and neighboring countries."SAN-EI" offer a wide range of solar-related optical technologies and can guarantee to satisfy the needs and request of customers.
Curing System by Ultraviolet-Ray
This is the relay amplifier box for the multi-point type UV monitors. Received UV light intensity is converted to electric signal for transmission. This allows distance between the light receiving inlet and the controller to 10 meters maximum.
Solar Stimulator
XHS Series
They are mainly used for the evaluation of solar cells as well as for other types of tests where sunlight needs to be recreated.The continuous light of xenon lamp, the most faithful reproduction of sunlight, is applied in our highly accurate solar simulator, which has been widely sold across Japan and neighboring countries.
Curing System by Ultrasonic-Ray
UV Intensity Monitor
Made to light wight and compact for single point measurement.
Gratings for Synchrotron, FEL and EUV Light Sources
HORIBA Scientific holographic lamellar gratings exhibit ultra-low grooves roughness and unique efficiency uniformity making them ideal for Synchrotron, Free Electron Laser (FEL), EUV or Soft X-ray light sources.
Excimer Lasers
Powerful and versatile light sources in the UV range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Because of their cold ablation and short wavelength, excimer lasers are used for countless applications.
Light Curtains
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
Switching light curtains are perfect for monitoring large measurement fields. They react as soon as anything or anyone penetrates this field. Their fast configuration and simple handling save time and money compared to imaging processes. Thanks to different beam spacings and measurement field lengths, switching light curtains can be used to solve a range of application problems.