Showing results: 1 - 15 of 54 items found.
Wind River
For more than 15 years Wind River Linux has been the industry’s most advanced embedded Linux platform, with a comprehensive suite of products, tools, and lifecycle services to build and support intelligent edge solutions.
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
Aquatic eddy covariance method is a powerful technique to measure benthic fluxes. The robust RINKO EC (model name: ARO-EC), as a new member of the RINKO series, is designed for aquatic eddy covariance measurements. The RINKO series is based on the optical (phosphorescence) principle which is now widely known as a remarkably fast response oxygen sensor with high accuracy. The response time of the RINKO EC oxygen sensing foil is less than 0.5 s (90%, from air to water at 25 °C). The foil life-time is more than 200 h, which enables at least 1 week of continuous measurements of dissolved oxygen. Moreover, the foil can be replaced easily by the user. Berg et al. (2016)*, after a detailed evaluation, concluded that RINKO EC is a reliable alternative for aquatic eddy covariance measurements of oxygen fluxes and its high data quality allows for new opportunities for eddy covariance flux studies, including long-term deployments in rivers, streams, and marine environments.
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
Rinko III is an analog version with the fast optical DO sensor and a temperature sensor. With an external 12 DCV power, the instrument seamlessly outputs the analog data (0 to 5V) of the sensors. Rinko III can be easily integrated on various platforms with an Impulse cable. By the fast response, the instrument provides high accurate DO data without restricting profile speeds.
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
The RINKO FT not only retains the fast response time identical to that of conventional RINKO series but also has greater accuracy and stability by incorporating high-quality multipoint calibration and improved sensing method. This instrument is primarily designed to target Argo float operations,however, its compact, lightweight, and commonly used communication protocol widen the choice of platforms for installation. The RINKO FT allows DO measurements with a high vertical resolution, which will contribute to the understanding new aspects of physical/biochemical processes.
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
Rinko W is an autonomously deployable data logger for long-term DO measurements. In order to protect the sensing foil against accumulating bio-fouling, the instrument has a mechanical wiper to sweep the optical window. The optical sensor does not have a membrane neither electrolytes, thus, it need less maintenance than electrode or galvanic sensors.
RiverSonde® -
CODAR Ocean Sensors
The RiverSonde® is an affordable, non-contact monitoring system providing continuous surface cross-channel velocity profiles for streams, channels, and rivers. Data output from this system can be used as an index velocity in conjunction with other data sets or as model input for calculation of total water discharge (Q). It is also ideal for monitoring river movement during flood events and in disaster planning.
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
AEM1-DA is a 1-D electro-magnetic (EM) current meter for the flow measurements in rivers, streams and various waterways. The measurement range is 0 to 5m s-1. The EM sensor can accurately measure water speeds at a shallow depth of 3cm. The display unit has a 2MB flash memory so that the data are saved with calendar information (up to 255 station data). In comparison with conventional propeller-type current meter, AEM1-DA is robust and extremely easy to be operated and maintained.
Digital OneWater Flood Modeller -
Flood Modeller, a Digital OneWater solution, is an industry-leading software platform which enables engineers and scientists to deliver faster and more accurate results by simplifying the modeling of river, surface water, and urban drainage systems. It enables you to confidently understand flood risk and develop optimal solutions to manage the impacts of climate change.
FD-10 -
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
This device supports the measurement of rivers, Agricultural water, Sewage systems, Other channels and facilities.
FD-20 -
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
This device supports the measurement of rivers, Agricultural water, Sewage systems, Other channels and facilities.
Advantech Co. Ltd.
Advantech provides a series of real-time OS services for Advantech platforms, including Wind River VxWorks, Linux and Android Solutions.
OD-10 -
JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.
Measurement of dissolved oxygen for aeration flow rate control at sewage treatment plants and monitoring of water quality at rivers,lakes,and etc.
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Go straight to work collecting highly accurate stream and river discharge data with the RiverRay Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP).
Wind River
With Wind River® Simics® you can simulate anything, chip to system, giving you a path to DevOps and Continuous Integration and Deployment.
Wind River
Wind River® BSPs are software kits that make it quick and easy to use our operating systems with nearly any type of hardware device.