Comet Instruments

Comet Instruments is a fast growing company in the field of LED Display Boards , Industrial Instruments and customize products today we are the leading player of India with a large range of products that covers manufacturing, financial, advertising, travel & hospitality, sports, transport, commerce, retailing and entertainment sector. Our Products like Electronic Moving message Display, LED Digital Clock systems, clock, Multizone Clock, world clocks and precision master clock, Message Board, Production counter, jumbo Temperature humidity clock products. If necessary, our hardware/software design team will work with you to customize existing products or design new LED products to suit your requirements. In any case, Comet Instruments has the ideal solution for your electronic signage needs , we are the manufacturer of all industrial & display Instruments

  • 9893231873
  • 395, Clerk Colony, Opp. I.T.I. College
    Pardeshipura, Indore

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