

The ASC-5216 is the smallest OEM electronics board Avantes offers. It can be used with the Sony (ILX511, ILX554B) and Toshiba (TCD-1304) CCD detectors. Featuring the same powerful 5126 Coldfire processor as used in the AS-5216, it's equipped with a Hirose ST60-36p connector. It has 12 programmable IO ports (3 DI, 9 DO), 2 analog out ports and 2 analog in ports. One digital out port is used for controlling the flash rate of an external Xenon strobe (AvaLight-XE), one digital out port is used to control external TTL-shutter devices, one digital output is reserved for external control for flashing a laser source in LIBS applications. One digital in is used for external hardware triggering.

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